F.I.R.E.D UP with Krista Mashore



Let’s Get You F.I.R.E.D Up! Financially-Independent-Retired-Early If you’re a Realtor, Lender, Professional, or Entrepreneur who's looking for a way to stand out amongst the competition, then this is the podcast for you!  We focus on relevant digital marketing strategies & tools to help you to dominate your industry and become the community market leader in your profession.  Hey, we don’t hold back on this podcast - we say it like it is, and sometimes you may not like what you’re hearing, but the information will take your business to the next level.  So, hang tight because you’re about to be F.I.R.E.D Up with Krista Mashore! Join us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for new episodes and be sure to check out KristaMashore.com/Podcast for free downloads and resources


  • How To Transform Your Real Estate Business: Exclusive Insights from Dean Graziosi, Ep. (872)

    10/06/2024 Duración: 01h17min

    Join me for an exclusive live F.I.R.E.D Up podcast episode featuring; a multiple New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, investor. and my mentor, Dean Graziosi! In this episode, we discover the secrets to thriving in real estate, even during challenging these challenging times. Dean shares his journey, from flipping thousands of homes to becoming a community-focused educator. With one of my favorites from his books, "Millionaire Success Habits," we are inspired by Dean's relentless hunger for success. This episode is jumped packed with everything you need to thrive and win. Don't miss out on Dean's unique strategies for navigating market shifts and standing out in a competitive landscape. 

  • The Art of Authenticity: The Secrets to Making Genuine Connections in Real Estate, Ep. ( 871)

    16/05/2024 Duración: 24min

    Join us in this newest segment of our FIRED UP Podcast episode as we delve into the art of building meaningful relationships and achieving personal and professional success. We're thrilled to host Randy Garn, a New York Times bestselling author and a Harvard alum with a genius for making genuine connections. Randy shares invaluable insights on transcending transactional interactions and fostering deep, impactful relationships that last. From practical tips on networking to profound life lessons from his own experiences, this conversation is packed with wisdom you won't want to miss. Whether you're looking to enrich your personal life or elevate your business strategies, Randy’s advice will guide you toward transformative growth. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and turn on notifications so you never miss an insightful moment!  

  • Unleash Your Potential: Transform Setbacks into Success with Mike Ciorrocco, Ep. (870)

    13/05/2024 Duración: 27min

    In this FIRED UP Podcast episode, we're excited to delve into a transformative concept that's not just a philosophy but a practical way to turn your life around. It’s called 'Rocket Fuel', introduced by the inspirational Mike Ciorrocco, who has journeyed from the competitive world of real estate lending to becoming a powerhouse in motivational speaking. Mike Ciorrocco's story is one of resilience, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of growth, both personally and professionally. Through his own experiences and challenges, Mike has crafted a unique approach to overcoming obstacles by converting them into powerful momentum. This approach, which he aptly calls 'Rocket Fuel', enables individuals to not just survive, but thrive by turning adversities into opportunities. Today, we're going to explore how Mike's philosophy can transform the way you handle challenges, how you can harness every setback as a catalyst for your success, and how to cultivate an unstoppable mindset that sees beyond temporary setbacks. W

  • Navigating Change with Confidence: Insights From Career Expert, Ashley Stahl, Ep. (869)

    09/05/2024 Duración: 24min

    On this newest FIRED UP Podcast Episode, we are joined by Ashley Stahl, a TEDx guru who helps speakers land coveted TEDx spots and skyrocket their careers. Discover Ashley’s personal journey from a government job to becoming a TEDx speaker and now a coach who has helped over 1200 speakers shine on the TEDx stage. Whether you’re a real estate agent, marketer, coach, or entrepreneur, learn the keys to crafting a talk that not only resonates but also propels your career to new heights.

  • Zillow's Buyer Tour Agreement: What Real Estate Agents NEED To Know!, Ep. (868)

    06/05/2024 Duración: 12min

    In this video, let's discuss Zillow's NEWEST Buyer Tour Agreement and its implications for both consumers and real estate agents. We'll explore why this agreement has been introduced, examining its effects on the real estate industry, and discussing the legal background that led to its creation. Specifically, we'll analyze how this agreement aims to shift the responsibility of commission payments and clarify the relationship between buyers and agents. Join us as we break down the nuances of this agreement, evaluate its potential impacts, and offer insights into navigating these changes effectively in the real estate market. Whether you're a buyer, seller, or an agent, this discussion will provide valuable perspectives on the evolving dynamics of real estate transactions.

  • A Young Entrepreneur’s Masterclass : Leveraging Trends for Profit, Ep. (867)

    02/05/2024 Duración: 24min

    Join me and Sean Kelly, a dynamic young entrepreneur, as he unveils the secrets to his success in this New FIRED UP Podcast Episode. From starting with candy sales in school to making $20 million during the pandemic by selling masks, Shawn's journey is nothing short of inspirational. In this video, he shares his expert insights on identifying market trends, capitalizing on opportunities, the art of drop-shipping, and now Podcasting. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an established business owner looking to pivot your strategy, this episode offers valuable lessons on growing your business and innovating with the times. Don't miss out on these game-changing tips from one of iTunes' top podcasters!

  • Secrets of Successful Seller Seminars in Real Estate Pt. 2, Ep. (866)

    29/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    Welcome back to our Seller Seminar Series! In Part 2, we dive deeper into the strategies that make our approach to selling homes exceptionally effective. We’ll focus on the benefits of community-specific marketing, leveraging cutting-edge technology like 3D virtual tours, and the power of targeted digital marketing to maximize exposure for your property. We also discuss how our extensive experience and strong credentials make us uniquely qualified to guide you through the selling process, ensuring you get the best possible results. Join us as we continue to explore innovative ways to enhance your home selling experience and achieve outstanding outcomes. Stay tuned for more insights and expert advice in today’s session!

  • Escaping the Corporate Grind: The Secret Framework to Business Freedom, Ep. (865)

    25/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    In this new episode of the F.I.R.E.D. UP Podcast, Brian Leubben, our guest shares his transformative journey from a high-paying corporate job to establishing a multi-million dollar business, emphasizing the critical role of strategic planning in achieving financial freedom. His CVC framework—Clarity, Volume, and Consistency—provides a robust structure for anyone looking to make significant life changes. Clarity in vision helps define the path, Volume determines the scale of actions required, and Consistency ensures sustained effort towards achieving set goals. This methodology not only guides individuals through personal and professional growth but also stresses the importance of strategic rejection, focusing efforts only on what truly aligns with their objectives.

  • Unveiling the Secrets of Successful Seller Seminars in Real Estate Ep. (864)

    22/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    In the dynamic world of real estate, staying ahead of the curve is paramount for success. One powerful tool that seasoned agents and newcomers alike can leverage is the seller seminar. These events provide a platform to showcase expertise, build relationships, and ultimately secure listings. But what does it take to host a truly successful seller seminar? Join me in this new Training as I share my expertise in running successful seller seminars. Learn valuable insights on leveraging innovation, technology, and marketing strategies to elevate exposure and maximize returns for your property. Discover essential tips, costly mistakes to avoid, and the power of digital marketing in today's competitive real estate landscape. Whether you're a seasoned agent or a homeowner looking to sell, this seminar offers invaluable guidance to help you succeed in the market. 

  • Becoming A Top Producer: Weekly Success Habits Ep. (863)

    15/04/2024 Duración: 05min

    Hey Agents! In this episode of our Real Estate Agent Training Series Part 11, let us talk about the essential weekly habits that can significantly impact the success trajectory of any real estate agents, not just for the short term, but for the entire year. Drawing from my 23 years of experience in the industry, including a tenure as a top 1% realtor and author of several best-selling books on real estate strategies, I provide actionable advice that can transform your approach to business. Education emerges as the cornerstone of success. Staying abreast of global and local market trends, utilizing resources like Keeping Current Matters and state realtor associations, is imperative. By understanding the nuances of the market, you empower yourself to make informed decisions and provide valuable insights to clients. Networking takes center stage as well. While digital outreach is crucial, there's no substitute for face-to-face interactions.  Regularly engaging with individuals outside the real estate sphere can

  • Building Wealth in Real Estate From Humble Beginnings Ep. (862)

    11/04/2024 Duración: 34min

    In the competitive world of real estate, standing out requires not just skill and knowledge but also an unyielding spirit and the ability to innovate. In this Episode of FIRED UP Podcast, me and my real estate buddy Gogo Bethke, share our journey from modest beginnings to becoming powerhouses in the real estate industry. In this candid conversation, we dive into the innovative marketing strategies that set us apart, the importance of diversifying income streams for long-term success, and the life-changing power of making bold decisions. Our paths, though unique, share common threads of resilience and determination. Starting with next to nothing, Gogo and I built our careers on the foundation of hard work and a vision for something greater. From attending Tony Robbins' masterminds to pushing past our comfort zones, we've both embraced growth and learning at every turn. One of the pivotal moments in our careers was the decision to innovate in how we market ourselves and our properties. Recognizing the power of

  • Ultimate Real Estate Productivity Hack: Setting Up the Night Before Ep. (861)

    08/04/2024 Duración: 05min

    In over two decades in the real estate industry, I've learned that success doesn't come by chance; it's meticulously planned. My journey from a dedicated teacher to selling over 2,300 homes and becoming a best-selling author on real estate and lead generation has taught me the invaluable lesson of preparation. I firmly believe in setting up the next day's agenda the night before. This practice isn't just about organization—it's about priming my brain for success. Knowing tomorrow's game plan provides peace of mind and a restful sleep, essential for tackling the challenges of the next day. My "daily sheet" is more than a to-do list; it's a strategic schedule that guides my every move. This includes activities from video text messaging to setting clear, achievable objectives for the day. It's this level of discipline and foresight that transforms potential chaos into structured, goal-oriented action. Beyond task management, I stress the importance of mindset. Success breeds success, and consistency in positive

  • Navigating Decisions: Insights from Real Estate EXPERT Kris Kohn, Ep. (860)

    04/04/2024 Duración: 21min

    In this new F.I.R.E.D UP Podcast Episode, real estate EXPERT, Kris Krohn shares his profound insights into his latest publication, "Time Machine," with a captivating discussion focused on decision-making, achievement, and satisfaction. Delving into the central themes of his book, Kris emphasized the importance of understanding the various perspectives that influence our decision-making processes. Through his exploration of five distinct lenses for guiding decisions, Kris highlighted how our choices not only define our actions but also shape our destinies. Among the lenses Kris expounded upon was the "joy quotient," urging individuals to prioritize happiness when making decisions. He emphasized the tendency for many to overlook joy in decision-making, which often leads to disillusionment and discontentment. Kris also stressed the significance of intuition and energy in the decision-making process, advocating to trust their instincts and align decisions with personal aspirations and principles. Drawing from per

  • Mastering Real Estate Contracts Ep. (859)

    01/04/2024 Duración: 06min

    In this new Real Estate Agent Training Series Pt. 9, we shall discuss how crucial it is to Learn and Master the ins and outs of your contracts. This is a must-watch for every new real estate agent aiming to dominate their market: from learning contracts and addendums to mastering counter offers and request for repairs, every aspect of the transaction process demands attention. My advice? Don't just memorize the contracts; understand them deeply. Break down each paragraph into simple, easy-to-understand statements, ensuring you can explain them to clients effortlessly. Remember, the key to success lies in continuous learning.  Spend at least 20 to 30 minutes daily familiarizing yourself with contracts and transaction phases. Whether you're drafting buyer offers or reviewing disclosures, aim for efficiency and proficiency. Additionally, knowing your properties inside out is non-negotiable. Prioritize pre-listing inspections to address any issues upfront, ensuring a smoother selling process and minimizing the ri

  • How the NAR Lawsuit Settlement Will Change Real Estate Ep. (857)

    23/03/2024 Duración: 13min

    The Biggest Real Estate Change has Landed! In this video, allow me to dig deeper into this Breaking News about the National Association of Realtors (NAR) $418 Million lawsuit settlement against Stitler Burnett. With my two decades of experience and over 2,300 homes sold, I'm here to unpack the intricacies of this settlement and what it means for us in the real estate world.

  • NAR's Commission Settlement: Understanding Buyer's Agent Compensation Ep. (856)

    22/03/2024 Duración: 07min

    In this Episode, I'll guide you through the intricate world of buyer's agent compensation. In the past, sellers typically covered the buyer's agent's fee, but with changing regulations, the responsibility often falls on you, the buyer. I'll break down how these changes affect you and what you need to know before diving into the real estate market. I'll explain the ins and outs of negotiating compensation between buyer's agents and seller's agents. You'll learn how these negotiations impact the terms of your agreement and how you can navigate them to your advantage. Discover why having a buyer's agent on your side is crucial. They'll help you find the right home, navigate neighborhoods, and understand market trends. A skilled buyer's agent acts as your advocate throughout the entire process, handling negotiations, inspections, and paperwork to ensure a smooth closing. We'll debunk common misconceptions about buyer's agent compensation and emphasize the value they bring. While you may be responsible for their c

  • Mastering Real Estate Marketing & Land Investment, Ep. (855)

    21/03/2024 Duración: 37min

    Welcome to the latest episode of the FIRED UP PODCAST, where I sit down with the incredible Joe McCall, a dear friend and a giant in the realm of real estate investment and innovative marketing strategies. In this episode, we delve into what it takes to stand out in the competitive landscape of real estate, the significance of injecting innovation into your marketing efforts, and how to lead with unwavering value. Joe, with his vast experience in land development and as a coach to many across the nation, shares his journey, challenges, and the pivotal moments that have shaped his successful career. This conversation is more than just an interview; it's a masterclass in thinking outside the box and applying lessons from various industries to supercharge your real estate endeavors. Joe's approach to education through live, practical demonstrations offers a unique perspective on learning and engagement that you won't want to miss. Whether you're looking to sharpen your investment strategies or elevate your marke

  • Mastering Unique Value Proposition: The Key Differentiator in Real Estate, Ep. (854)

    18/03/2024 Duración: 08min

    Join me, as we delve into the heart of the real estate market in 2024. In this empowering episode, I reveal the transformative power of leveraging a Unique Value Proposition to not just compete, but dominate in an ever-evolving industry. As we navigate through the crowded landscape of real estate professionals, I'll guide you on how to stand tall and distinguished, ensuring that your value is unmistakable and your services unparalleled. This isn't just about making a sale; it's about redefining the standards of excellence in real estate. I'll walk you through the critical steps and strategies that have not only shaped my career but have also propelled countless others toward success. From the art of personal branding to the strategic use of digital marketing, I share actionable insights and practical tips that you can implement right away. With a focus on innovation and value, I'll show you how to craft an offering so compelling that your clients will see no one else but you as their go-to real estate expert.

  • Real Estate Lead Magnet Mastery: Top Strategies for Agents Ep. (853)

    11/03/2024 Duración: 12min

    In today’s Agent Series Episode, I’ll share the game-changing strategy for real estate agents: creating lead magnets. These are valuable resources that entice potential clients to share their contact info with you. Why do you need this? Because it's all about owning your leads and nurturing them outside of social media platforms. Plus, it positions you as an authority in your niche. Here's the deal: Offer high-value content tailored to your audience's needs. Don't just send them to your website; give them something worth sharing their contact info for. Think marketing plans, neighborhood guides, or exclusive insights. These lead magnets can be repurposed for various purposes, from Facebook ads to email campaigns. The key? Address your audience's desires and fears, and provide real value upfront. This builds trust and sets you apart from the competition. So, if you're ready to take your real estate game to the next level, start creating compelling lead magnets today. Thanks for watching, and be sure to subscri

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