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Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world's most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight talking, real, very funny, and extreamly effective strategies that will give you amazing results! The Daily Boost has been iTunes top ranked self-help program since 2004 – give it a listen and find out why so many people around the world make The Daily Boost part their day... every day. (More podcasts at


  • Get Off The Fence And Get What You Want

    03/11/2021 Duración: 12min

    Get Off The Fence And Get What You Want Okay, I'm feeling a little bit lazy today, so I'm going to cut to the chase and bestow upon you the secret to success you've been seeking.  Are you ready? Success requires that you do the hard work. Bam! Hmm… I think I'll take my advice and rethink that lazy thing. I want to set a good example. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that if you want more, you will have to do something to get it. Still, we live in a world that makes it seem like it should be easier, and it's not. Success takes a lot of hard work - even if you don't see it. Successful YouTubers make it look easy - after thousands of hours of trial and error. Musicians are seemingly living their dream - after years of living in a tour bus and making pennies after their agents get paid. Even people who do nothing but accept the generosity of society to make their way are working hard at a life that you would never want. It doesn't matter what you want, good or bad, prosperous or not, happy or sa

  • Is The Universe Whispering to You?

    02/11/2021 Duración: 12min

    Is The Universe Whispering to You? I’m not sure how you feel about the Universe and how things work in the world, but does the Universe whisper to you? Now, before I go on, you need to know that I can go pretty deep into the world of woo-woo in my beliefs. Still, the real-world dude in me makes me realize that while it may be fun to ride a unicorn to the coffee shop, I haven’t yet been able to request one from Uber.  You may believe that your life is already planned for you or that you can ask for what you to manifest. One or both, you can’t deny that something is whispering directions to you all day long. Are you listening? While there are many ways people seek to receive messages of guidance as we make life decisions, my favorite has always been events the occur in triplicate. If something happens three times, I pay attention. Call me hard-headed, distracted, or set in my ways, but life has taught me that wisdom tends to come in whispers - usually when our thoughts are screaming in our head and drowni

  • Empower Your Emotional Triggers

    01/11/2021 Duración: 12min

    Empower Your Emotional Triggers I don't know about you. I love it when we miraculously put together the perfect day and then life decides to get in the way.  Well, not life, and maybe I don't love it, but occasionally something or someone will cross your path and cross your wires. I don't know anybody who doesn't get hit smack in the face with a situation that triggers a feeling deep inside their soul, stirs emotion, and results in a reaction or response that makes you say, "Why did I say that?" Of course, we are emotional creatures, so it makes sense that robust emotional responses are a thing for most of us. Still, a little common sense will tell you that it doesn't always serve us. It gets even worse when people sedate their emotions to protect themselves. Not only do they miss great opportunities, when they are triggered, it becomes an 8.0 earthquake. So, how do you deal with it? The way I handle it is to understand that triggers usually happen when I least expect them. Still, my Scott LOGIC tells m

  • Talking Trash About Yourself is Good

    26/10/2021 Duración: 12min

    Get the Daily Boost FIVE days a week and more at I have an admission to make on your behalf. If I may - You and everybody on the planet talks bad about themselves. Heck, some folks do it every day. If you are really good, you might fall into the category of a professional self-trash talker and even dream bad stuff about yourself. Yes, are THAT good! I have another admission.  I do it too. I’m good at it. Better than you. Not only that, I like it when I dig deep and bury myself in the pain of talking trash about myself. It’s like watching a horror movie about my life without the nine-dollar popcorn.  But why is it good for you? I work with clients who have a natural tendency to talk bad about themselves in their quest to make their lives better. It usually shows up as a reason masquerading as an excuse, which turns into a tool for them to explain their current situation to blame and link to past behavior. That’s as far most people go, good momentum stops, and bad momentum continues.

  • Good Habit Generator

    25/10/2021 Duración: 14min

    There is not a single day that I don’t end up saying to myself, “What are you doing, Dude?” The only thing that makes me feel better is there seems to be a pandemic of that kind of thing going around these days. In my case, I usually have decided what bad habits are getting in my way and have at least a small clue as to what good habits I should be doing every day but… I’m the BOSS OF ME! Why would I tell myself what to do and not do it? Hmm… I’ll have to get back to you on that. Nope. Why wait? The truth is that I’m pretty good at doing what I say I’m going to do, as long as I do a couple of things first. If I don’t, can drift more than a rudderless sailboat. Let’s lay some solid groundwork: 1) Everything about your life is a result of an action or inaction you take. One is productive, the other is lazy, and both are life-changing. 2) Any habit performed in a ritualistic manner will give you results. Good habits make life better. Bad habits make life worse. 3) If you want to take it the hard way, foc

  • Power of ONE Idea

    19/10/2021 Duración: 12min

      Are you the kind of person who is searching high and low for anything that will make you happy, get you married, bring in more money, or allow you to ignore the crazy world we live in today? If I may, it’s time that stop searching and do this - Accept that ONE good idea, ONE good realization, or ONE good action can and will change your life instantly. Before I continue, I'm not saying to focus on ONE thing as you'll find in Gary Keller's book. Nope. The ONE thing I'm talking about comes way before that. It has nothing to do with productivity, and it has everything to do with mindset and being specific. You don’t have to listen to me, but I’ll give you a pat on the back if you at least consider it. You see, everything gets easier when you develop, understand, and trust that ONE idea combined with day-to-day committed action will lead you to your dreams. And that's not 16-hour, hair on fire, run as fast as you can, bend all the rules, shatter relationships, and get what you want at all cost days. No. I

  • Are You Standing On The Edge of Your Dreams?

    18/10/2021 Duración: 10min

    Are you standing on the edge of your dreams that haven’t become reality? Steve Harvey is a funny man. He is also a wise man. He says, "You must jump. If you want to be successful, you must jump into your dreams, take a leap of faith, and go for it." Many times we stand on the cliff of life and watch others enjoying the success you deserve. They jumped, their parachute opened, and life is good. You must jump. When you finally decide to jump, your parachute will not open right away, and you will get bumped and bruised, but your parachute will open. You must jump. Look, let me get real. If you want success, you must jump to your dreams so your parachute will open. If you don't jump, it will never open. If you are standing on the edge of your dreams, the question is simple. You either you do or don't. If you do, JUMP. If not, find another edge - but make it one that makes you excited to jump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Change Your Stories, Change Your Life

    13/10/2021 Duración: 11min

    Get coaching that goes deeper than tips and tricks with Daily Boost PREMIUM. Find out more HERE. Change Your Stories, Change Your Life Today we begin with a truth that on the surface may not seem very motivational. However, accepting this truth will be the singularly most freeing and motivating thing you can do for yourself. We live in a world dominated by agendas. These 'plans of others' are broadcast to propagandize your mind into believing in a way that will pull you off your path and put you on the path of another. Worse, the stories you tell yourself, your Personal Propaganda, is doing the same thing. That's not good. That's not bad. That's the truth. It has always been, and it always will be. In choosing to live life your way and experience freedom at its highest levels, there is a rule that I have always followed - The truth is the most motivating power you can access. If you dare to see and accept the truth in all areas of your life, you will then have the power to respond and act in ways tha

  • Responding To Your Inner-Voice

    11/10/2021 Duración: 10min

    The Daily Boost is available as a stand-alone podcast or included in our coaching program FIVE days a week. Get it HERE! Responding To Your Inner-Voice Inside all of you right now are dreams, desires, and visions of your future. If you pay attention, you can hear your inner voice nudging you in that direction. Something it’s been doing for years.  Whether your inner voice is whispering for you to begin moving toward your dreams or stop a behavior that’s holding you back, it will never stop reminding you until you take action. That is where challenges happen. It’s common for a person who finally listens to their inner voice to react eventually. They spring into action mode and begin moving as if it were an emergency, and they are driving the rescue vehicle 70 miles per hour to their destination. The result of reacting is almost always ending in disaster and making the problem worse. There’s a reason they don’t call them ‘First Reactors.’ If you’ve ever observed a first responder in action, you have notic

  • Formula For Finding Purpose

    05/10/2021 Duración: 10min

    Get the Daily Boost FIVE days a week at Over the year’s the most popular question I get from the MOVERS around here is - “How do I find my purpose and face my passion?” If I were to expand on that question, it would be - “What can I do today to find my purpose and overcome the fear of living my passion?” In other words, it’s one thing to find it; it’s another thing to get yourself to do it. Today we’ll focus on finding it. In my quest to always be passionately living, I always turn to a 5-step process for discovering and facing your passion. It has never failed me. 1) Explore the possibilities that are available to you. The more, the better. Many things will interest you, and you should be willing to allow them into your life.  2) Pay attention to what gets and keep your attention. Don’t fight the feeling. Just follow the urge to explore. 3) Deep dive into the things that are shoving themselves into your life and immersing yourself. 4) When you find yourself fascinated and nea

  • Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Success

    04/10/2021 Duración: 11min

    Get the Daily Boost FIVE days a week at Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Success When I started my first real business 20 years ago, I found myself stressed, working long hours, missing workouts, sleep, and family. I was determined to be a success - even if it killed me.  I'm not sure it would have done that, but I was a least on my way to wearing myself out since I was in my office at 2 AM on a Saturday, with a big bottle of wine. Frankly, I was mad that day and was thinking bad things about myself. Feeling a little lost, as well, and a bladder full of wine, I stumbled to the restroom. That's when my reflection in the mirror stopped me in my tracks. The man looking back was not the man I was on the inside. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn't mad. He was sad. Success was proving harder than he thought it would be, and he was lying to himself about why. No. I was lying to myself. In a surreal moment, I realized that I was questioning my commitment. How could I get up e

  • How To Rid Yourself of Burnout

    27/09/2021 Duración: 14min

    Keep yourself on track with the Daily Boost FIVE days a week at From time to time, almost everybody will feel as if they can't do IT anymore - whatever IT is. Something has to change, and they have no idea how. It's called burnout. The good news is that you don't ever have to get burned out. The better news is that it's easy to keep yourself motivated, energized, and looking forward to every new day. But what happens if you feel burned out today? Let's start with something that may not be obvious to you. If you just figured out you were burning yourself out, everybody around you knew it a long time ago. We can always see burnout in somebody else before we can see it in ourselves. So, now that you've joined the burnout party, let's dig in a bit more. People get confused about burnout and tend to blame it on working too many hours, with too much stress, not enough respect, and the feeling there is no way out. When that happens, dreams die, and you feel stuck. You may indeed find yours

  • Two Hour Project Productivity Rule

    21/09/2021 Duración: 11min

    Get the Daily Boost FIVE days a week at If you're spending any time trying to create a more fulfilling life, have you ever found yourself unable to work on meaningful projects? Of course, we all have. Here's what usually happens: 1) We make a decision, conscious or unconscious, to spend an entire day or week charging through your project. 2) We "chunk" our project into 15-30 segments that we work on throughout the day. The challenge happens when we never seem to be able to focus our attention for days or weeks at a time. Years pass, and nothing happens. Changing our approach to short chunks is equally frustrating because it never allows enough time to get into a flow. That leads to stopping, starting, and not wanting to start again. Years pass, and nothing happens. A better approach is to block your time into creative chucks and focus on a single project. After that, you can move on to less important items, take a break, and fire up another two-hour block. You could continue your

  • How To Get Motivated Again

    20/09/2021 Duración: 11min

    Get the Daily Boost FIVE days a week and supercharge your motivation! As a child, I wondered why I couldn't always have my way. Mom and Dad were so mean! I couldn't wait to grow up, move out, and experience being an adult. Everything would be different - or so I thought. After stepping into the adult world, it didn't take long to realize that not much had changed. It turns out it wasn't my parents. It was life turning down my requests. Life was getting in the way. What was even worse was that I was getting in my way. I've joked over the years that if I'm the Boss of me, so why don't I do what I say? Eventually, I realized having a big ass goal, being on a mission, and most importantly, motivation on demand was the solution. Motivation is a powerful, if not fleeting, tool that we all need. But we need to understand how our minds generate motivation— Your physiology dictates your feelings. The easiest way to break free of a slump is to stand up, take a step, and REPEAT. Movement wakes your body up, guides

  • Does Change Happen Instantly?

    14/09/2021 Duración: 11min

    Get the coaching version of the Daily Boost with no commercials and more. Go to You’ve likely heard that “Changes happens in an instant” - which is entirely accurate. But… Is there one ‘instant’, and when will it happen? Are there more than one ‘instants” required to get what you want? If so, when will they happen? If you’ve ever worked toward a goal, you’ll find there are usually a series of small changes that happen in sequence. Whether they are slight shifts in your mindset or actions, or actual physical changes in your life, one thing usually leads to another. Over the years, I have noticed a predictable one, two, three patterns that clients always follow in seeking change. 1) Step one is the clarity and figure things our phase. It is a time when you decide that you want to change something about your life. You may not know what or how, but you are now searching with a specific mission in mind. You are no longer looking backward. You have changed. 2) Once clarity emerges it is

  • How To Keep Things Simple

    08/09/2021 Duración: 10min

    Get the Daily Boost commercial-free and 5 days a week at Last week in Daytona Beach, I noticed the seasons were changing. It may be too early for the leaves to change colors, but the license plates of our winter residents are beginning to take over the roads - and they sure are busy. I like to keep life simple, so I notice when, even while beginning an exciting adventure, people seem to lose all common sense, embrace complexity, and lose track of how simple life can be. My mind drifts in observational moments like these— "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." ~ Leonardo da Vinci "Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated." ~ Confucius "The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook." ~ William James And possibly the most appropriate. "Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough." ~ Charles Warner Your life will get more complicated without even trying so why not… 1) Practice the rule of "Good Enough." 2) Say No. Repeat

  • Mission-Focused Influence

    07/09/2021 Duración: 12min

    How are you going to influence the world today? What do you think about starting with yourself? Getting what you want in life begins when you know what you want and believe that you can accomplish your goal. Does that sound like you? Simon Sinek calls it "The Golden Circle." If you're like most folks, you spend a reasonable amount of time focusing on "What" you want and "How" you're going to get it. Your "Why" tends to arrive last. When you think that way, you'll find yourself wandering in the direction of what you think you want. And, nobody can help you because there is no belief and passion behind what you are doing. On the other hand, when you begin with Why, the How becomes automatic, and the What tends to define itself. When you know your Why, you become an inspiration to yourself and everybody who crosses your path. That's how you influence the world. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • What Matters in Life

    06/09/2021 Duración: 12min

    Get the Daily Boost five days a week at Have you noticed how few things in life require absolute attention? Sure, occasionally, you will be served a little more than you think you can handle, but you always manage it. Sometimes you will worry a little more about things than you should. No matter how detailed you cook up and plan your worry in your mind, you always get through it. Does somebody looks at you the wrong way or, worse, say something that hurts your feelings? You might freak out a bit but always get back on track. Today, and nearly every day of your life, virtually everything that crosses your path will have no long-term impact on your life. It simply doesn’t matter. John C. Maxwell said it best, “You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything. In most cases, almost any reaction you have to the actions of others never amounts to anything. So, why not stop reacting like it’s important? Why not stop carrying the worry that often comes as part of the

  • Planning Your Life Like a Business

    01/09/2021 Duración: 11min

    Daily Boost FIVE days a week will change your life! Get it at For most of the last two decades, I've made my living my passion - a dream most people have. That doesn't mean it's been easy, but it does mean that I've learned a few things about how to create what you want. Let me begin by saying that most folks have difficulty breaking free from past limiting beliefs and creativity, creating a compelling future. I believe that happens because all of us are thrust into being "common folks" who must fit into society. Abe Lincoln may have said— "God must have loved the common people, for he made so many of them." He was wrong. There is no "common man"—no standardized, common pattern. He would have been nearer the truth had he said, "God must have loved uncommon." If uncommon is your normal state, how do you create a different life from anybody else? While there are many behavioral subcategories and skillsets allow us to achieve our dreams, it all begins with deciding to script your success —

  • S.M.A.R.T Goals Are Not Realistic

    31/08/2021 Duración: 11min

      I'm a big fan of setting big-ass goals. Dreaming BIG is my natural state - which is why S.M.A.R.T. goals are not all that smart. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. While it may seem like a good plan, I can't wrap my head around NOT setting goals because they don't seem achievable or realistic. Excuse me? Since when did big-ass goals seem achievable and realistic? If that were true, you would already be doing them. Anytime you're moving from dreaming into doing, you will be living in the land of crazy and scary. If you hold yourself to what is achievable and realistic, you might as well keep doing what you're doing.  Being specific and measurable is all it takes. Hey, if you think my real-world, results-oriented, and somewhat offbeat and occasionally crossing the line style speaks to you, you should become a premium member and get the coaching version of the program 5 days a week. Yes… I said coaching version that’s recorded separately from the program y

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