Bill Crockett Ministries



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  • What is Revival?

    04/12/2012 Duración: 30min

    What is revival- It is a principle taught in the Bible that is a necessary event in the life of a believer. We all have a tendency to become complacent and stagnant in our relationship and walk with God. Several factors in the Bible indicate this. We will look at some of those in this lesson and some in the next lesson. In this series we will learn the Biblical principle of revival, why it is needed, how it takes place and what the results are in the lives of believers and those around them.

  • When Life is Difficult

    29/11/2012 Duración: 44min

    Job is probably the most vivid example of when life becomes difficult. Here was a very succesful man who experienced tragedy and did not know why. He received counsel from some of his friends, while well meaning, they were wrong. All the while, Satan was the reason behind the entire difficulty. So many times in our lives, Satan initiates difficulty to create doubt in our minds and turn us from God. When we do, we fall right into his trap. In this lesson we will see what Job did and how to avoid falling into Satan's trap when Life Is Difficult-

  • I Feel Bitter & Angry

    13/11/2012 Duración: 40min

    Life can present some pretty difficult situations. being mistreated by someone we love or being overlooked for that promotion. Expecting to get something we want only to find out it was given to somebody else instead. Being diagnosed with an illness that disables us and we do not understand why- There are many reasons why bitterness and anger can enter our hearts. In the account of Jonah, we find that bitterness - anger caused Jonah to consider life unlivable. Why- In this lesson we will examine why Jonah was bitter and angry and the cure that kept him from losing his life. If you have ever struggled or are struggling with bitterness and anger, this lesson is for you. At some point we will all need these truths to help us-

  • I'm Tired & Afraid Pt 2

    07/11/2012 Duración: 30min

    Part 2-----Elijah was a powerful man that experienced the raw power of God in many ways. He stood all alone against 450 demonic prophets of Baal and won. He confronted wicked king Ahab and told him it wouldn't rain again until he said so. He saw God provide for his needs in the wilderness and through a poor widow. He also saw God bring a young boy back from the dead when he prayed. However, Elijah ran from Jezebel when she threatened his life. Why- In this lesson and the next, we will examine what caused Elijah's collapse and what the cure is. Sometimes the pressures of life can cause us to become afraid and so tired of fighting that we're at the point of giving up. I've been there. God has an answer. Let God's word change you just like it did Elijah and me-

  • I'm Tired & Afraid

    07/11/2012 Duración: 33min

    Elijah was a powerful man that experienced the raw power of God in many ways. He stood all alone against 450 demonic prophets of Baal and won. He confronted wicked king Ahab and told him it wouldn't rain again until he said so. He saw God provide for his needs in the wilderness and through a poor widow. He also saw God bring a young boy back from the dead when he prayed. However, Elijah ran from Jezebel when she threatened his life. Why- In this lesson and the next, we will examine what caused Elijah's collapse and what the cure is. Sometimes the pressures of life can cause us to become afraid and so tired of fighting that we're at the point of giving up. I've been there. God has an answer. Let God's word change you just like it did Elijah and me-

  • I Feel All Alone

    07/11/2012 Duración: 38min

    Moses was a man of courage and strong leadership skills. He was a man's man. But even a man like Moses can go through periods of loneliness. Have you ever felt all alone- Sometimes the loneliness becomes so overwhelming that life can appear to be unlivable. In this lesson we will examine what caused loneliness in the life of Moses and what the cure was. Then we will examine the cure in depth. If you are feeling all alone, this lesson will change your whole outlook on life- May God encourage you through His word today.

  • When I Feel Like A Failure

    17/10/2012 Duración: 41min

    Every year in America 36,000 people will take their own lives according to the Center for Disease Control. What causes a person to think life is no longer livable- In this series we will look at people in the Bible who almost took their own lives but God stopped them. What caused them to get to that point and what happened that changed them forever- In this lesson we look at someone who almost took his own life because he thought he was a failure when in fact he was not. Are you or someone you know battling the feeling of failure- God has a cure to make you realize you are not a failure. In fact, you are very important- Listen and we discover God's answer for feeling like a failure.

  • Bill Crockett's Testimony

    08/10/2012 Duración: 42min

    Despair- It's very real and can be fatal. It almost was for me 16 years ago. I was sitting behind a shed at my parent's home in Brentwood, Tennessee with a 9mm pistol in my mouth and my finger on the trigger. Only God stopped me. What causes a person to get to this point in their life- What stops them from pulling the trigger- According to the Center for Disease Control in their -Understanding Suicide Fact Sheet 2012-, 36,000 people in America take their own life every year. Another 374,000 people every year try and do not succeed. There is an answer and God is the key. In this new series we'll examine people in the Bible that wanted to die but did not. What caused their despair and how did God help them. May God spare and heal many lives through this very important series. It begins with my own personal story-

  • Jesus Our Savior & Example

    03/10/2012 Duración: 32min

    Jesus is our Savior. Of that there is no doubt. But that is not all He is to us. He is our example of the proper way to live. He lived for 33 years and ministered publicly for 3 1-2 years to show us how it should be done.He went through everything we could possibly face yet without sin. In this lesson we talk about three things, Who Jesus is, What His purpose was and what we should do about Him as individuals.

  • Salvation Past, Present, Future

    30/09/2012 Duración: 31min

    When does salvation begin and end- The wonderful part about salvation is that we are promised that it will accomplish what God intended for it to accomplish- We will be like Christ one day and live with God forever in Heaven. In this lesson we examine the Purpose, the Process and the Progression of salvation. When we received Christ as our savior we began a journey with God that ends in Heaven. Understanding this journey and what God is doing causes life to have a whole new meaning. It helps us to understand some of the -WHYS- in our life. This one truth could change your life and how you approach life.

  • What is Salvation? (Part 2)

    11/09/2012 Duración: 22min

    In answering the question, -What is Salvation- there are two things that must be addressed. First the understanding of our situation with God. This we discussed in part 1. In this lesson we will discuss the second part of answering this question and that is the -Hearing of God's Plan of Salvation.- What actually happens when a person gets saved- How do we get saved- In John 3 Jesus explained to Nicodemus the answer to these questions and more. we will also look at evidence that seems to indicate that Nicodemus, a ruling Pharisee, did get saved- May this lesson change the lives of all who hear, understand - accept it by faith-

  • What is Salvation? (Part 1)

    04/09/2012 Duración: 20min

    In the spiritual realm, what does the term -Saved- mean- When we refer to the term -Salvation-, what are we talking about- The answer to this question will make the difference between Heaven - Hell for all eternity. In this lesson we begin to answer the question, -What is Salvation- by examining two basic facts we have to know before we can properly answer this very important question. Follow along with us as we define one of the most important terms in the Bible-

  • Providence of God & Sin

    27/08/2012 Duración: 28min

    If God is in control of everything, then why is there sin in the world- How does God handle sin- God is in control of everything, even the sinful acts of mankind. In this lesson we will answer the question, -Does God Cause Sin- and we will also look at the 4 ways God controls sin.

  • The Providence of God

    06/08/2012 Duración: 22min

    Is God really in control- Have you ever had someone to console you in a time of sorrow, loss, or despair by saying that -God is in control and He has a purpose for this in your life.- That sounds great, but it does not always bring encouragement. Two things cause that fact to encourage us- timing - understanding. In this lesson we will focus on understanding what it means that God is in control. What is the providence of God, what is the foundation of God's providence and what are the two aspects of God's providence. All of these are discussed din this lesson-

  • The Trinity

    23/07/2012 Duración: 27min

    The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most profound and important doctrines of the Bible. If God the Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit are not all God, then all we believe is destroyed. In this lesson we will examine some basic facts about the Trinity, discuss the biblical teaching that proves the Trinity and then explore what this means to us as believers and why it is so important-

  • The Attributes of God

    28/06/2012 Duración: 38min

    God is God because He is different than we are. In this lesson we will look at the non-moral - moral attributes of God. what makes Him God- What did God mean when He said that He does not change- Is He a mean and intolerant God- If not, how do we know- What is holiness and can we be holy- These and many more questions will be answered in this lesson-

  • The Essence of God

    18/06/2012 Duración: 30min

    What is God like- His nature includes his essence or his substance and reality and His attributes. In this lesson we will discover why God is not just an idea but He is real. There are 7 characteristics of His essence that we will study in this lesson-

  • Does God Exist?

    11/06/2012 Duración: 39min

    Is there a God- Does He really exist- If so, then how do we know- In this lesson we will look at the basic views of God's existence as well as the three main human arguments for God's existence. Then we will examine the Bible proof that God exists and 4 reasons why people do not believe in God. If someone asked you why you believe in God, what would you say. This lesson should help-

  • Dealing With Guilt

    05/06/2012 Duración: 35min

    Guilt can be like the pain sensors in our brain, warning us that something is wrong. It can also paralyze us when it is false guilt. What is Guilt- How do we deal with it in our lives so that it benefits us and does not paralyze us- We will answer those questions in this lesson. We will talk about the the two types of guilt. We will examine what false guilt is and then look at the 4 steps to dealing with guilt properly from the Bible.

  • The Sufficiency of the Bible

    05/06/2012 Duración: 33min

    Is the Bible all we need to know God and what He wants to tell us- The answer is yes. In this lesson we will look at why the Bible is all we need as well as four reasons why people add to or take away from the Bible.

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