Bill Crockett Ministries



The latest feed from Bill Crockett Ministries on


  • The Necessity of the Bible

    28/05/2012 Duración: 35min

    Is the Bible necessary for us to know God, have our sins forgiven - know God's will for our lives- Can we know these things without the Bible- These are the questions we will answer in this lesson. We will examine that the Bible is necessary for Salvation, Sanctification and Service. Should the Bible be a part of our daily life- How do we use the Bible in our service for the Lord- May we realize we are unarmed soldiers in a serious war without our Bible-

  • The Clarity of the Bible

    22/05/2012 Duración: 39min

    Can we really understand the Bible- This is a common question in today's world. The Bible was given to us by God and He wants us to understand it. In this lesson we will establish the fact that the Bible can indeed be understood by everyone. There are reasons why people do not understand the Bible and these will be addressed. In this lesson three very important aspects of understanding the Bible are explained, -Illumination-, -Interpretation- and -Application.- we can understand the Bible and in this lesson we learn how.

  • The Authority of the Bible

    15/05/2012 Duración: 32min

    In any system of belief there has to be a common standard of authority. The Bible is the Christian's standard of authority. In this lesson we will discuss what revelation and inspiration are. How did it happen- We will explain the two kinds of revelation and give examples. We will talk about why those people in remote parts of the world will all have an opportunity to hear the good news of salvation. We will talk about the characteristics of inspiration that make God's word without error - reliable-

  • What is Truth?

    08/05/2012 Duración: 30min

    This is the first of 4 lessons on the doctrine of the Bible. In order to know right and wrong, there must be a standard of truth. In this lesson we will look at what the Bible teaches truth is and where it comes from. We will also discuss 4 things God teaches us about the Bible. Then I will explain the 4 reasons why I personally believe the Bible to be God's Word to us.

  • Why Study Theology?

    30/04/2012 Duración: 38min

    Why should a believer study theology- It takes time, work, effort. It is not always exciting. It does not necessarily increase my salary or help me climb the corporate ladder. So why should I study it- In this lesson we will look at 5 reasons why every believer should not only study theology but make it a priority. This could change our entire outlook on how we study the Bible.

  • How to Deal With Grief/Sorrow!

    28/04/2012 Duración: 34min

    -Grief is a certainty.- - Billy Graham- Sorrow - grief are a part of life in this world. How can we properly handle it- In this lesson we will answer the questions, What is Grief- What does the Bible say about the believer and grief- Is it okay to grieve- How is grieving different for a believer versus a non-believer- We will also discuss a 4 step process from 2 Samuel 12 that will help us to properly handle grief in our lives- Sorrow - grief are a certainty in life. We will all face it. It can either make us stronger or destroy our lives if not handled properly- May God teach us how to properly handle grief and sorrow-

  • What is Theology?

    28/04/2012 Duración: 32min

    What do we really believe about God- Why do we believe it- In this introduction to a larger series on Bible doctrine or theology, we discuss what theology really is. What important question does it answer- What is -My Theology- - what is theology in a practical way to a follower of Jesus- When you hear the term, -Theology-, what comes to your mind- To many people words - phrases such as -difficult, deep, too hard to understand, boring, not necessary, not practical-- All of these ideas are dispelled in this lesson. Theology is a very practical and necessary part of being a follower of Jesus - is anything but boring -if taught in a real - practical way-. We will explain this thought in this lesson - -What is Theology--

  • Winning the Battle with Worry

    21/03/2012 Duración: 35min

    -Anxiety- is an emotion that we all confront. No matter how hard we work at overcoming anxiety or worry, it never completely goes away from our lives. How do we confront anxiety and worry and keep it from paralyzing our lives- In this lesson we look at a definition of anxiety, healthy - unhealthy anxiety. We will also discuss the most important aspect of winning with worry. We will list the things we need to focus on and 6 practical things we can do when we are worried to help us overcome it in our lives-

  • Battling Loneliness & Winning

    14/03/2012 Duración: 26min

    For the purpose of this lesson we will adopt the following definition of loneliness- -Loneliness is the concept in my mind that I am by myself.- We can be lonely in a crowded room. We can feel all alone in a job or in a church or class if we feel we are getting no help. In this lesson we will discuss the possible causes for loneliness and the key factors to winning the battle we have with loneliness. A battle all of us will confront at sometime in our lives.

  • Overcoming Depression

    27/02/2012 Duración: 25min

    Most of us will deal with some form of depression in our life time. All people, good and bad, are candidates for depression. Depression can be a killer- In this study, we will look at what the Bible says about overcoming depression. Topics such as, -What is the key to overcoming depression-- -Is sin always the cause of depression-- -Possible causes of depression.- -Warning signs that depression is at the door- and much more. We will then discover from Scripture the 4 main aspects of dealing with depression and the 6 practical steps for overcoming depression. May God use this to help us and others to realize God's plan for our peace and joy in life-

  • Overcoming Inferiority & Low Self Esteem

    22/02/2012 Duración: 29min

    It has been estimated that as much as 95- of all people battle with some form of inferiority or low self esteem. This battle has led to depression and even suicide in some cases. In this lesson we will identify things that cause inferiority - low self esteem. We will learn the key to overcoming these emotions. We will learn the biblical definition of Self Image, Self Esteem and Self love. we will learn the 5 things that describe how we are to properly love ourselves. We will close the lesson with a 5 step checklist to go through when we feel inferior to help us overcome this emotion that destroys our lives and our potential for God-

  • Envy & Jealousy

    13/02/2012 Duración: 28min

    At some point in all our lives we will have to battle envy and jealousy. It is described in Galatians as an obvious act of the sinful nature. So in this lesson we answer three very important questions. What is envy - jealousy- Where does it come from- How do we deal with it- We will see a process of emotional destruction that can eventually lead to depression and even suicide if not dealt with properly. May God grant thousands of lives, like mine, victory through these simple Bible truths applied to our lives-

  • Controlling Anger

    06/02/2012 Duración: 23min

    We all battle ANGER at some point in our lives. Anger can be the foundation of many other struggles caused in our lives. Therefore, if we can learn how to control and deal with anger, we can possibly solve several issues at once. In this lesson we will discuss, 6 tendencies we all have that could cause anger to result in an improper response. We will also look at the 3 possible responses when we are angry, the secret to controlling anger and the 5 steps to take when anger enters our heart to help us control it and respond properly.

  • Sinless Anger

    30/01/2012 Duración: 26min

    -In your anger, do not sin...- This is what Paul told the Ephesian church in Ephesians 4-26. What is -Sinless Anger-- Does this mean there is anger that is not sinful- In this lesson -part 1 of 2 on -Anger--we will seek to answer the following questions, -What is anger-- -What can cause anger-- -What does anger look like in my life-- -What is sinless anger-- To control anger we must have a clear understanding of what it is and how it is created in our lives- God has the answer-

  • Protect Yourself

    23/01/2012 Duración: 44min

    In the battle for our emotions, God has provided some spiritual clothing for us to wear that will protect us from losing these battles. In this lesson we will discuss how to protect ourselves using God's armor. We will also look at each piece of the armor and learn what it is and how it should look if we use it properly in our lives. This lesson is critical to understanding how to win the battle for our emotions.

  • The War Within

    16/01/2012 Duración: 32min

    -HOW CAN WE KEEP FROM BECOMING AN EMOTIONAL WRECK-- How do we deal with anger, low self-esteem, loneliness, depression, jealousy and more- These are the questions to be answered in this new series about the -Battle for our Emotions-- In this first lesson, we will examine the spiritual war that takes place inside of every person on a daily basis. We will learn the 4 characteristics that define this war. We will define the real enemy in this battle. Until we understand what the real issues are, we will never be able to win the battle for our emotions.

  • Why Did This Happen to Me?

    20/12/2011 Duración: 32min

    Have you ever asked God, -Why did you allow this to happen to me-- I think we all have at some time or another. God uses our personal experiences to strengthen us spiritually. Nothing ever happens to us without a divine purpose attached to it. In this lesson we will learn- ----1. What does God use these experiences to do in our life- --2. How do we approach - handle these experiences so that we benefit from them---3. What will begin to change in my life as a Christian-----If you have ever wondered why something happened to you, this is a must lesson for you-

  • Who Are These People?

    12/12/2011 Duración: 32min

    Have you ever thought that life would be so wonderful if the only person on earth was you- That would get old quick - life would be really boring- The truth is, life is all about people. In this lesson we examine the fact that every person that crosses our path was sent to us by God for some purpose. It may be to help us or for us to help them. We will look at the two things God uses these people to do in our lives. We will also see the three ways we are to approach people that God send to us and the results that we will see in our own lives when we respond to people God's way- Who are these people- They are the people God has sent to us for a reason-

  • What Do I Get Out Of Church?

    07/12/2011 Duración: 39min

    What is in it for me- That is a common question when we are approached about buying into anything. In this lesson we will address that very issue relative to church. Why should I go to church- What benefit will I get by going to church- What is church- What will church do for me and what kind of results will I see if I participate in church- How do I approach church so that it will bring helpful results in my life- All of these questions should be answered in this lesson. Many people have a flawed conception about what church really is and why it is important. We hope to clear that up in this lesson-

  • How Does Prayer Change Me?

    28/11/2011 Duración: 40min

    Can we pray anywhere, about anything, at anytime- Of course we can. However, if we look at the example of Jesus, He had private, on purpose, often, uninterrupted and focused times of prayer. We also need this kind of prayer in our life- In this lesson we will look at the 3 ways this kind of prayer will change our lives. Have you ever wondered how to worry less- This lesson addresses that issue. Does God still answer my prayer if I have trouble believing- Yes He does and we will look at the Bible account where Jesus himself teaches this. This one lesson could change your whole life-

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