Bulletproof Radio



Bulletproof Executive Radio was born out of a fifteen-year single-minded crusade to upgrade the human being using every available technology. It distills the knowledge of world-class MDs, biochemists, Olympic nutritionists, meditation experts, and more than $1M spent on personal self-experiments. From private brain EEG facilities hidden in a Canadian forest to remote monasteries in Tibet, from Silicon Valley to the Andes, high tech entrepreneur Dave Asprey used hacking techniques and tried everything himself, obsessively focused on discovering: What are the simplest things you can do to be better at everything? Welcome to being Bulletproof, the State of High Performance where you take control and improve your biochemistry, your body, and your mind so they work in unison, helping you execute at levels far beyond what youd expect, without burning out, getting sick, or just acting like a stressed-out a-hole. It used to take a lifetime to radically rewire the human body and mind this way. Technology has changed the rules. Follow along as Dave Asprey and guests provide you with everything you need to upgrade your mind, body, and life.


  • Using Radiation To Lose Fat, Repair Mitochondria & Defend Against Cancer – Dr. Joseph Mercola

    24/03/2017 Duración: 01h11min

    Bombarding your body with radiation is one of the best ways to help you lose fat, repair damaged mitochondria and protect yourself from cancer. Dave welcomes Dr. Joseph Mercola to Bulletproof Radio this week to explore the expanding field of light therapy and it’s helping scientist heal and repair the environmental damage caused to the human body on a daily basis.

  • How To Avoid & Fix The Damaging Effects of Diet-Induced Inflammation

    21/03/2017 Duración: 01h17min

    Diet-induced inflammation is responsible for the majority of all health-related diseases in the United States. Eating unhealthy foods does more than just make you fat and clog your arteries with plaque, it also negatively affects every major organ in the body, including the brain. Dave welcomes Dr. Bill Sears onto Bulletproof Radio to talk about what types of foods cause the most inflammation, and the simple diet and exercise tips and tricks that can be taken to undo the damage and prolong life.

  • Biohacking Secrets For Success From the Greatest Executive Coach & Marketing Strategist In The World – Jay Abraham

    17/03/2017 Duración: 54min

    Jay Abraham is one of the most successful executive coaches and marketing strategist in the world. He also happens to be a biohacker.  Jay joins Dave on this episode of Bulletproof Radio to reveal the biohacking tips that he and his close friends, like Tony Robbins, use to help them achieve success, happiness, and superhuman mental performance. 0:00 - Dropi from Daria Imports 1:20 - Cool fact of the day! 2:20 - Order Head Strong by Dave Asprey 2:50 - Air Oasis 4:15 - Bulletproof Collagen Bites 5:20 - Welcome Jay Abraham 9:00 - How Jay is a high performer 20:00 - Dr. Barry Morguelan 35:00 - Where did Jay learn all this? 39:00 - What's the best piece of advice you've received? 50:00 - Top 3 tips for performing better at life 57:00 - Jay Abraham /50shades Featured Jay Abraham Resources Tony Robbins Dr. Barry Morguelan London Real Bulletproof Moldy Documentary

  • Using Behavioral Science To Become Successful – Jon Levy

    14/03/2017 Duración: 01h07min

    Success isn't pure chance or blind luck, it's a science. Behavioral scientist and world adventurer, Jon Levy, reveals the characteristics, habits, and mindset of the most successful people on the planet. Jon's groundbreaking book, The 2 am Principle, combines neuroscience, psychology, economics theory, and biology to help people break through their self-imposed barriers and self-sabotaging behavior to lead a life of success, adventure, and danger.

  • The Nine Essential Steps For Peak Brain & Body Performance - Anat Baniel

    10/03/2017 Duración: 01h02min

    Growing new neurological pathways in order to achieve peak brain and body performance can be achieved in 9 steps according to world-renown psychologist Anat Baniel. These 9 steps are part of the Neuro- Movement approach called the Anat Baniel Method, a system used by over 1,000 practitioners all around the world to treat a variety of neurological problems ranging from autism to such traumatic brain injury. Anat has helped small children and infants with developmental disabilities lead better lives, world class athletes and musicians overcome repetitive and traumatic physical injuries, and 90-year-old adults regain control of their minds and bodies. Now, Anat wants to do the same for Bulletproof listeners by revealing some of the simple steps that can be taken to completely change lives for the better.

  • Using Humor & Sarcasm To Improve Your Life, Revitalize Mitochondria, & Defeat Self-Sabotage

    07/03/2017 Duración: 01h24min

    Improve your life and revitalize your body with a healthy dose of sarcasm. Health coach JP Sears dives head first into the science behind humor and why it has such a powerful healing effect on the mind, body, and spirit. JP and Dave reveal why not taking yourself too seriously is a surefire way to defeat your self-sabotaging ways, and, why you probably aren’t your own worst enemy, your own mitochondria are!   0:00 - Dropi from Daria Imports 1:30 - Intro 2:20 - Sunlighten Sauna 4:40 - Welcome JP Sears 8:00 - Science behind sarcasm 12:00 - How you respond to different types of humor 15:30 - JP's videos 18:30 - What social media sharing means 25:30 - Emotions with politics and religion 28:00 - Labrador brain 39:00 - Getting out of your comfort zone 43:00 - Your ego and mitochondria 46:00 - Self-sabotage 54:00 - The language of humor 1:02:00 - JP's creative process 1:26:00 - Top 3 tips for performing better in life Featured Dropi from Daria Imports Sunlighten Sauna Ultra Spiritual book by JP JP Sears on YouTube

  • Headstrong Q&A with Dr. Mark Atkinson - Part 2

    03/03/2017 Duración: 45min

    In this second half of Dave Asprey's Head Strong Q&A, we’ve selected the best questions that Bulletproof fans submitted through our voicemail, Facebook and the Bulletproof® Forums, for a great Q&A. Listen to Dave and Bulletproof Coach trainer Dr. Mark Atkinson talk about hacking anxiety, brain fog, & mitochondrial dysfunction. Enjoy the show! Enjoy the show!

  • Creating A Healthy Gut For Beautiful Skin

    28/02/2017 Duración: 53min

    The key to having beautiful skin is creating a healthy gut. The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and it’s all the one that receives the most abuse. From the sun’s damaging rays, to the pollution in the air and the destructive toxins we put on our skin. Dr. Trevor Holly Cates joins Dave on this episode of Bulletproof Radio to explain how a healthy gut leads to beautiful skin, why the “beauty products” that are supposed to be good for your skin can actually do more harm than good, and how to maintain and nourish the over one-thousand species of bacteria that make up a healthy skin microbiome.

  • Winning Against Autoimmune Disease with Functional Medicine - Dr. Amy Myers

    24/02/2017 Duración: 44min

    Autoimmune disease cases have skyrocketed across the world. As once rare diseases become more commonplace, western medicine is struggling to combat this rising health threat. One of the best hopes of turning the tide against the uptick in autoimmune disease cases is the type of functional medicine that Dr. Amy Myers practices. In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dr. Myers lays out a blueprint for tackling this worldwide epidemic with the right medical tests and diagnosis tools, a proper diet, and monitoring your environment for hidden toxins like mold.

  • Understanding Fat to Help You Lose Weight

    21/02/2017 Duración: 54min

    In order to lose fat, you must first understand how it works. Dr. Sylvia Tara joins Dave on this episode of BP radio for a deep dive into the science of one of the most important organs in our body that is most often misunderstood and even hated. Dr. Tara explains why fat is essential for the body to function and how a healthy diet high in essential fatty acids can actually help you shed unwanted pounds, and, keep them off.

  • The Hidden Toxins That Are Quietly Destroying You

    17/02/2017 Duración: 01h15s

    Deadly toxins are a silent epidemic that is shortening lifespans and making millions across the world sick. These invisible poisons are slowly degrading our bodies on the cellular level by mutating our DNA, destroying the ability for our mitochondria to work effectively, and increasing the risk of a variety of deadly cancers. Dave welcomes Dr. Joseph Pizzorno to Bulletproof Radio to talk about this toxin plague spreading across the planet and explains how we can better protect ourselves against these poisons and what we can do to detoxify our bodies.

  • Headstrong Q&A with Dr. Mark Atkinson

    14/02/2017 Duración: 41min

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we've selected the best questions that Bulletproof fans submitted through our voicemail, Facebook and the Bulletproof® Forums, for a great Q&A. Listen to Dave and Bulletproof Coach trainer Dr. Mark Atkinson talk about hacking anxiety, brain fog, & mitochondrial dysfunction. Enjoy the show!

  • Fighting For Miracles - JJ Virgin

    10/02/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    Most people pray for miracles, JJ Virgin fights for them. After her son was critically injured in an accident and given a .25% chance of living, JJ was faced with two decisions. She could either believe what the Doctors were telling her and accept that her young son would die from his injuries, or she could wage what seemed like a hopeless battle and fight for her son's life. She chose the latter. By using a variety of treatments that included nutrition, naturopathic medicine, and stem cell therapy, JJ brought her son back from the brink of death and healed his broken body and his traumatic brain injuries. If you don't believe in miracles, you will after this podcast.

  • This Mutant Gene May Be Making You Smarter...And Fatter

    03/02/2017 Duración: 01h02min

    A mutated gene might be making you smarter....and fatter. That's what some studies about the COMT gene are pointing too. Dave enlists world renown anti-aging Dr. Lionel Bissoon, to discuss this mutant gene commonly found in intelligent and highly functioning people like executives. And while this mutant gene may contribute to making you smarter and more successful, it can also have a serious side effect. It makes you fatter.

  • Preventing Burnout & Recharging Your Batteries – Arianna Huffington

    31/01/2017 Duración: 42min

    Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington is worried that burnout is destroying your body. Burnout is the ultimate mind, body and spirit killer. For those striving for optimal performance, the danger of burning out comes with the risk of immense physical and psychological damage. Everything from depression to increased risk of heart disease and a failing immune system. After conquering the internet with one of the most popular media blogs in the world, Ariana's new project, ThriveGlobal.com, has set out on a mission to help people prevent burnout and recharge their batteries by enlisting the help of some of the most talented people in the world to reveal their simple but effective lifehacks and biohacks.

  • What Your Blood is Trying to Tell You

    27/01/2017 Duración: 38min

    Your blood is trying to tell you something, and if you want to live longer and be healthier, you should listen to it. Dave welcomes Oz Garcia to the podcast this week. A nutritionist to the rich & famous, who will reveal the hundreds of messages hidden in your blood. Oz gives his valuable insight into the new tests and technology that are revolutionizing new nutritional guidelines and therapies that are not only helping people live longer and healthier, but also warning us about the deadly diseases and health issues lurking in the shadows of our bodies.

  • The Microorganisms In Our Body That Keep Us Alive - Naveen Jain

    24/01/2017 Duración: 01h27min

    The human body relies on millions of microorganisms to keep us alive. This army of independent contractors helps the human body digest and deliver nutrients, combat disease, and even powers our cells. Dave welcomes Entrepreneur and Moon Colonizer Naveen Jain to the podcast, to discuss these amazing little machines, and to warn us about how modern day conveniences such as processed foods and antibacterial soaps threaten to destroy this delicate and life-sustaining ecosystem housed within our body.  

  • Rebuilding Your Body on the Cellular Level - Peter Wasowski

    20/01/2017 Duración: 01h06min

    Rebuilding your body on the cellular level is no longer science fiction. Dave welcomes Peter Z. Wasowski to the podcast today to talk about Vasper, a new technology that uses compressions, grounding and cold therapy, to heal the body from the inside out. What was once the secret to building strong muscles and accelerated healing used by NASA astronauts and elite Navy Seals, is now being used by people as old as 97 to optimize hormone balance, improve cognitive function, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

  • The 48 Laws of Power with Robert Greene

    17/01/2017 Duración: 01h15min

    The world is an unfair place, but anyone can even the playing field using the 48 Laws of Power. If you've ever had a terrible boss, a scheming co-worker looking to throw you under a bus, a manipulative friend or a terrible relationship in which your heart was broken, this is a podcast you should listen to. NY Times best-selling author Robert Greene spent years researching the most powerful people in history and examining their psychological profiles to write the 48 Laws of Power, a manuscript that gives the average person a set of tools to help navigate through a world filled with people who don't want you to succeed, wish to take advantage of you, and take what is rightfully yours. 

  • Vitamin C Is Taking The Fight To The Big "C" – Dr. Ron Hunninghake - #379

    13/01/2017 Duración: 58min

    Vitamin C is taking the fight to the "Big C." Scientists around the world are beginning to rethink how to fight cancer, and are looking to Vitamin C for help. Somewhere along the line, humans lost the ability to produce Vitamin C, and some scientists see this event as the point when human bodies began to deteriorate and became disease ridden without proper supplementation of Vitamin C from external sources. As ailments like heart disease, fibromyalgia, and cancer have ravaged human bodies, pioneering doctors like Ron Hunninghake from the Riordan Institute have developed new cancer treatment protocols using elevated dosages of Vitamin C with such promising results that big pharma has taken notice.   Featured Desert Farms (Use promo code: Bulletproof20) Teeter Riordan Clinic Resources Linus Pauling Orthomolecular Medicine Recnac Tripping Over the Truth by Travis Christofferson The Healing Factor by Irwin Stone (Free online edition) The Stretch Marks Factor Book Doug Kaufmann Myers' Cocktail Bulletproof Bulletp

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