Alan Wallace Live From Phuket!

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 92:13:18
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Welcome! This is now an archive page for Dr. Alan Wallaces teachings from the Spring 2010 Shamatha Retreat in the wonderful Phuket International Academy Mind Centre!This podcast feed was 100% created and updated by us (his students here in Phuket) so we can share Alans diamond-sharp teachings! This podcast was created live every day during the retreat in 2010. We will still maintain this site because the teachings are timeless. For more information, please contact the great people at !


  • [Bonus] Clearing up misconceptions about the “Non-Self.”

    11/05/2010 Duración: 28min

    This podcast was spurred by a question from our philosopher Ilse asking about the difference of "Identitylessness" [or non self] and "Personhood" (as she put it).There are many misconceptions about Buddhism and the theme of the "Non-Self," and here B. Alan Wallace breaks it down skillfully and with his characteristic [irony alarm went off], funny and good-humored but extremely wise and accurate examples. This is really recommended if you have any doubts (as many of us do) on this topic! It is explained extremely clearly.As a bonus within a bonus, Ilse comments that the practice of Shamatha in this retreat so far is starting to weaken her sense of identity. Alan quickly says it’s a good thing then talks about how Shamatha can and does weaken the sense of identity (and the suffering it entails) and breaks down the "fortress" of ignorance and delusion, along with their derivative afflictions such as craving, aversion, anger, hostility, etc. At the end it gets very philosop

  • Loving Kindness: Ready to Launch

    11/05/2010 Duración: 47min

    In the introduction, Alan talks about Loving Kindness and how it is an aspiration and not a feeling (although it certainly comes with a feeling). He also talks about achieving Shamatha by method of non-discursive meditation on the apspiration of Loving Kindness (developing stability and vividness).After the practice we had an explanation of moving loving kindness into "enemy territory," talked briefly about the concept of "enemy," and saw how Loving Kindness can (and needs to) grow ultimately.Today I did something unusual in that I split the podcast into three. I won't be releasing them on Sunday this time (I am sending out the three at the same time), but I felt they were themes that a lot of people are interested in, and it would be handy to have them as stand-alone episodes. So don't be scared when you get 4 podcast updates today! It's actually the usual daily 2 with the afternoon one split into 3.This local photo is from Daniela.

  • Mindfulness of Breathing: Focus on the Abdomen

    11/05/2010 Duración: 36min

    Today we had a quite silent and relaxing session on the sensations of the breath at the level of the abdomen.The introduction talks about the several ways in which we can recognize progress in our practice, and the outro is a recap on the terms "mindfulness," "instrospection," and "conscientiousness."This local photo is courtesy of Daniela.

  • Loving Kindness: Turning Possibility into Actuality / Shaping our own Future

    10/05/2010 Duración: 01h33min

    Today we re-started the 4I cycle with Loving Kindness. Specifically, we focused on motivation and how it has the power to make things possible or impossible, achievable or not achievable.The introduction was around this motivation and its power, while the outro contains a great several-part question by Malcom on the different methods of Shamatha, their pit falls, changing between methods, etc. It is a very concise explanation of the three methods we cover in this retreat, how they interrelate, and how it is possible to use them all cohesively. Also at the end there is a very precise explanation on how to correctly do the practice of Awareness of Awareness (spurred by a question from Noah). Alan utilizes his trusty sensory deprivation tank example and leaves the object of this practice quite clear. So if you like Awareness of Awareness but aren't sure if you are doing it correctly, the last 15 minutes or so of this podcast might clear many doubts!I might add that today we had quite a few doses of uplifting and

  • Full Body Awareness: The Importance of Relaxation (and a reflection on anxiety its status quo in modern society)

    10/05/2010 Duración: 42min

    This session was the first of the meditations with less spoken guidance. However, Alan made up for it with the great introduction and outro!The talks are based on the importance of looking for genuine happiness, focusing on the more and more common condition of "General Anxiety," (or reality-based anxiety) its causes, and how society is depending on more and more brain drugs to band-aid the symptoms. The outro is particularly enriching; it details how a cooperation between the Pharmaceutical Industry (which can be absolutely necessary), Psychiatrists (talk treatment), and Dharma could work in synergy towards a real focus on healing the mind on all levels. This local photo is courtesy of Daniela.Last but certainly not least, happy mothers day weekend! We love you and miss you mothers!

  • [Bonus] Discussion on Kickstarting the Mind Sciences Revolution through Paranormal Abilities

    09/05/2010 Duración: 42min

    In this juicy sunday Bonus, Alan answers a question from our friend Noah about why wait to kickstart the revolution in the mind sciences? Why not get an accomplished Yogi to demonstrate his paranormal abilities under scientific scrutiny? Maybe just a little bit of levitation, walking through walls, multiplying themselves, disappearing... The usual.You can be sure that what follows is a a very thorough analysis of this subject, from several perspectives and with some possible outcomes. Very interesting for those of us who have sometimes asked that question ourselves!Anyone want to guess who is depicted in this Thangka? Hint: I'm his fan. View this episode on the site for a larger version of the pic!

  • Equanimity: Bringing in the Sharp Wisdom (And a great juicy question on the 4I)

    08/05/2010 Duración: 58min

    Wow, I have to say that we ended this cycle of meditations perfectly. We had a very valuable practice (although, what practice has not been very valuable?) on Equanimity paired with wisdom. We started with a short and sweet introduction, and then went straight into the meditation.After the meditation we had two delicious juicy questions. The first question by Nick I took out because it's perfect for a stand-alone bonus that I'll send out tomorrow. It entails an explanation of the Four Immeasurables, their faux facsimiles, and how they balance out. The question which I did not edit out was Ana Lorena's, and she asked if it was possible to cultivate the Four Immeasurables without all the conceptualization and just bringing forth the aspirations. I won't pollute the podcast anymore with my description, but if you trust me by now then I'll tell you that it's really worth a listen!This beautiful photo was taken by Daniela at one of the local temples!

  • Awareness of Awareness: Resting in the Sheer Luminosity and Cognizance of Experience

    08/05/2010 Duración: 30min

    This morning we practiced the final phase of Awareness of Awareness, and quoting from Alan's great analogy in the introduction to this practice: "Putting it in the Oven." The title comes from the succinct explanation of the practice as described by Tsongkhapa.This time it was just a brief 5 minute introduction and then we went into the meditation (as taught by Padmasambhava), the most profound of all Shamatha practices.With this method, the path and the fruit are similar in aspect.Enjoy as we did!(And if you were wondering if I really had to use another sky picture-- the answer is yes!)

  • Equanimity: Focus on Impermanence

    07/05/2010 Duración: 01h29min

    This podcast starts with a microphone test; you may notice that this podcast has none of the annoying popping noises that went out in the previous episodes. And the sound quality will keep getting better as we tweak the system.Ok, enough of that! Today's afternoon practice was on Equanimity, and it was a very valuable meditation. We start as always with an excellent introduction with illustrative examples before going into the practice.After the practice we had some assorted Q&A, but before that Alan gave some great tips on Lucid Dreaming and Dream Yoga (with many references to Stephen LaBerge). The questions are on assorted topics, from practice to theory, and are very illustrative. Enjoy!I included this cellphone photo of yesterday's sky to aid in reflecting about impermanence! I kept looking at the sky after taking the photo and in less than 30 seconds it was completely different!

  • Awareness of Awareness: Approximating the Shamatha-Achieved Mind

    07/05/2010 Duración: 33min

    This morning we had a practice of the third method of Awareness of Awareness. Alan starts with an introduction and explains some points on the practice, and after the practice he gives some tips on keeping a constant meditation even when having to do other things. The meditation session in this podcast is a very clearly explained and great practice of Awareness of Awareness.As you can probably tell by now I like interesting skies, and especially so when talking about Awareness of Awareness! This is another typical sky here after dinner.

  • Empathetic Joy: Taking delight in being of benefit and in contemplative cultivation

    06/05/2010 Duración: 01h33min

    Today's practice was focused on taking delight both towards being of benefit in the world outwards but also of going into meditation and being apparently useless for a while, because it's a cultivation with which you can become immensely useful afterwards. There is a great introduction on this point, and after the practice we had some great, fluid assorted Q&A with answers from the crowd. The questions vary from how to balance quality and quantity in meditation and some sprinkles of dream yoga near the end.Another great local photo from Sara's collection!

  • Awareness of Awareness: On the edge of Vipassana

    06/05/2010 Duración: 47min

    This morning we followed a second method of Shamatha without a Sign (Awareness of Awareness) as taught by Padmasambhava. This method included probing into the very nature of that which inverts and releases the attention and in so doing one may realize rigpa! Alan first explains in detail the confusion around this practice and its true potential, using a dream analogy. A greatly inspiring overview. Afterwards we have the actual practice and a short outro about the parallels of this practice and Dzogchen. A great way to start the day!

  • Empathetic Joy: How to repay the kindness of others by freeing ourselves of our own mental afflictions.

    05/05/2010 Duración: 01h34min

    This afternoon was great. We started with an overview of four immeasurables as an extrordinarly wise system of emotional regulation, and although that sounds utilitarian (since the qualities of loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity are some of the most noble virtues to develop), they can be excellent for emotional balance.Alan then talks about how to develop motivation, inspiration, enthusiasm, lightness, and hopefulness towards the practice, which is directly linked to the meditation we do afterwards.After the session, we had some assorted Q&As on great subjects, including great tips and practices for maintaining the object of mindfulness between sessions and "seasoning" the day with the four immeasurables. There are also some great explanations on the 10 non-virtues and one of the great "path overviews" and bigger picture discussions that we know and love.This photo is of Master Luang Phor Cham in the Chalong Temple of Phuket (another great one by Sara!)

  • Back to Awareness of Awareness

    05/05/2010 Duración: 38min

    This morning we started with a brief recap on some details about the breath in Settling the Mind in its Natural State, and some notes about the substrate conciousness and Awareness of Awareness.Afterwards we had a very clearly explained practice, including some tips for people who are new to this type of meditation. We are having some microphone adjustments so you might have to turn up the volume on this one! Sorry!This photo was taken by Sara here at the mind centre... Very suitable photo for Awareness of Awareness!

  • Compassion: Lucidity in the Waking State

    04/05/2010 Duración: 01h29min

    We start with an introduction on the three different dimensions of suffering and pick up briefly on this morning's topic of becoming lucid in the waking state.The deep practice that follows is indeed a Compassion practice but its focus is on this lucidity.After the meditation we have some open questions focused on the practice, such as "how does vividness manifest in the practice of settling the mind in its natural state," and other general questions that might be good for all! We passed the microphone around so there are a lot people giving their experience and asking their own questions this time.Another photo by Ale! As you can see she had quite a nice trip and gave me a bunch of awesome pictures. I know I already used this one but I had some technical problems!

  • Settling the Mind in its Natural State: Observing the Nature of the Space of the Mind

    04/05/2010 Duración: 36min

    This morning we had an inspiring introduction regarding the space of the mind and its observation, as well as a sequence of steps to become lucid with respect to reality. We went into a 24 minute session focusing on the nature of the space of the mind, evident in the spaces between thoughts but also very present even when there are thoughts.After the practice Alan briefly discusses some interesting hypotheses that could be put to the test in the contemplative observatory. A very uplifting morning.Another great picture from the collection that Ale shared!

  • Compassion: Going into Deep Waters

    03/05/2010 Duración: 51min

    Alan starts with an introduction on "episodic compassion" and how easy it can be to feel contempt and superiority towards the people committing injustices according to us without looking at all of the perspectives. This practice of compassion focuses both on the victims of other people's behavior and on the "victimizers," who themselves are victims of their own strong mental afflictions.After the meditation we had some assorted Q&A about practice and I think I already have my Sunday bonus for this week although it's only monday! There was a great question by our deep-question expert Noah along the lines of why won't a yogi just display paranormal abilities in a massive event to "kickstart" the revolution of the mind sciences. The discussion that follows is extremely interesting and engaging, so I guarantee your Sunday this week won't be boring, although your monday may be tinged with the mental affliction of resentment towards me because of how I left this episode as a "

  • Settling the Mind in its Natural State: Seeing and Hearing without using the Brain

    03/05/2010 Duración: 33min

    Interesting title eh?This morning we practiced Settling the Mind in its Natural State. Alan gave a brief introduction on some cases of Out of Body Experiences and showed how they are related to this practice and to Shamatha in general. We have had internet problems so I don't know when I will be able to upload this! Hopefully it will be working this afternoon...Another great photo from Ale!

  • [Bonus] Alan’s Ideal (and possible) Vision of Buddhism and Contemplative Science in the next 10-15 years

    02/05/2010 Duración: 44min

    In this bonus podcast, B. Alan Wallace is asked about his ideal vision of Buddhism and Contemplative Science in "The West" (or modernity) for the next 10-15 years. Alan first describes his own term, "Contemplative Science," and then gets going on a very inspiring and precise view of how this can be absolutely groundbreaking for science and humanity in general. Can we penetrate and break through to knowing reality? Taking it out of the realm of metaphysics, religion, or theory, but actually putting it to the test and knowing?I wont say more in order to not ruin Alan's response, but if you are interested in Buddhism, Cognitive Sciences, Psychology, Brain Science, Philosophy, or Science in general, this is really worth a listen. It's not technical at all, and gives a very expository view of the unfortunate status quo of the previously mentioned branches of science. You know that sunday bonuses don't fail to deliver so just listen!The photo is another great sky from Rosa here at the mind centr

  • Compassion: Focusing on the Underlying Causes (and one more superb example for the Mind/Brain talk from yesterday!)

    01/05/2010 Duración: 01h33min

    We start with a very precise introduction of how mental afflictions are afflictions because they are rooted in delusion. Some feelings can be either very positive or afflictive depending on the above. I won't give examples in order to not distort Alan's words but it's a great explanation!We also get an explanation about four displays of compassion or Bodhisattva actions that are not immediately apparent, contrasting the sugar-coated, peaceful saints of other traditions with the Buddhist deities, which can be very wrathful but stemming from Compassion. He gives four examples which really opened our eyes.Then we go into a great meditation session and afterwards we have a few excellent questions, wrapped up with an amazing analysis of a verse (the first verse of the first chapter) from the Dhammapada in which Alan masterfully adds to both the question of how to live a rich, meaningful, Dharma-saturated life in modernity without going into solitude and becoming a yogi and about the brain-mind question. This is a

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