Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine brings you the wisdom and spiritual teachings of many women spiritual leaders across the globe. The Elders have their unique respective series available through our platform.
The Golden Era: The Prophecies have been fulfilled
11/04/2022 Duración: 21minBeautiful Ones The Prophecies have been fulfilled, in you... in me.. in all around you... The Great Mother is calling... A new era is here... I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, request a healing, buy her books, enroll in her online courses, read more of her writings, visit her website:
The Golden Era: You are Love!
04/04/2022 Duración: 22minYou are Love! you have always been Love! You are the spring that never ends You are the Source! I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, participate in online classes, request a healing, write to her, buy her books or read her writings, visit her website:
The Golden Era: Flow!
28/03/2022 Duración: 21minFlow! What you have is what you already give, a legacy of love where you find the flow... I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, request a healing, participate in ceremonies and her online school or enroll in remote courses, buy her books, read more of her writings, visit her website:
The Golden Era: Equinox! Make the inside the same of the outside!
21/03/2022 Duración: 21minEquinox! Make the inside the same of the outside, and the outside the same of the inside... The Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine open the doors for many worlds! Your key is so unique, only you can use it... Join us in ceremony at 1 pm central time, Wherever you are I am always with you I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, request a healing, buy her books, read more of her writings, watch videos or participate in her online school, visit her website:
The Golden Era: Look from the Future Back!
14/03/2022 Duración: 21minYou are not bounded by time! You have this incredible power... look from the future back... I am you Magdala To contact Magdala or buy her books, enroll in her online school to train with her, read more of her writings, participate in ceremonies or request a healing, visit her website:
The Golden Era: Peace from within
07/03/2022 Duración: 22minThe Peace from within, you are choosing and you know how to do this... I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, join her online school, participate in events, buy her books, visit:
The Golden Era: The Path of Peace
28/02/2022 Duración: 22minThe Path of Peace The true medicine of Human Beings this is your time! I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, buy her books, enroll in lessons and courses or request a healing. Visit:
The Golden Era: The time has come to merge the personality with your true heart!
21/02/2022 Duración: 19minThe time has come to merge the personality with your true heart! Reclaim who you are! time to bring forward that beautiful Light of yours! I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, request a healing, buy books, join her school online or sign up for lessons, come to ceremonies and events- visit her website:
The Golden Era: Time to jump into the Fifth Dimension!
15/02/2022 Duración: 21minThe time has come to jump in the fifth dimension, This times has happened before in many traditions all over the world, you know how to do this I am you Magdala
The Golden Era: The Ixpapalotli Teachings
07/02/2022 Duración: 21minThe Ixpapalotli Teachings The teachings of a unique key to unlock the many worlds Are you ready? This is our time! I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, participate in her online school or take courses/lessons, request a healing, buy her books, discover her writings or attend upcoming events, please visit her website:
The Golden Era: What has been in the hidden?
31/01/2022 Duración: 22minWhat has been in the hidden? "Everything that has been in the hidden will be revealed" the Great Mother are you ready for a revelation? i am you Magdala To contact Magdala, enroll in her school online, participate in ceremonies, request a healing, write to her or buy her books visit her website:
The Golden Era: How to embrace and understand your Shadow?
24/01/2022 Duración: 21minHow to embrace and understand your Shadow? What is sisterhood? What is in your world inside of you? I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, participate in online school, courses, ceremonies, book a healing, buy her books or read her writings, visit her website:
The Golden Era: Time to Acknowledge, Honor, Recognize the Source!
10/01/2022 Duración: 23minTime to Acknowledge, Honor, Recognize the Source! ... and do what you have come here to do! I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, buy books, sign up for online school or courses, request a healing, visit:
The Golden Era: Mastering your Energy! Welcome to 2022!!
03/01/2022 Duración: 22minMastering your Energy! Welcome to 2022 Thank you Everyone all over the world for beautiful heart! Yes! keep on subscribing and sharing and sending your emails! I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, take online courses, enroll in her online school, buy books or book a healing, visit:
The Golden Era: Our Sixth sun is here, a New era is unfolding!
27/12/2021 Duración: 20min2022 ! ... Our Sixth sun is here, a New era is unfolding! So much to uncover, so much going on within the self! Time to reach yourself i am you Magdala To contact Magdala, buy books, enroll in online courses or school or to receive a healing, visit:
The Golden Era: Solstice 2021 the beginning of a new era! Are you ready?
20/12/2021 Duración: 19minSolstice 2021 the beginning of a new era! Are you ready? Another timeline is being uncovered, people from everywhere in the world! celebrating a new era! there is a part of you that knows how to do this... ready? I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, buy her books, join her online school or buy online courses, visit:
The Golden Era: Powerful energy coming in Tonanzin day! Are you ready?
13/12/2021 Duración: 23minSuch a powerful energy coming in Tonanzin day! are you ready? be peace, Time to remember who you are... there is an intense spiritual work all the way through Solstice i am you Magdala To contact Magdala, to buy her books, sign up for courses and online school, visit:
The Golden Era: What is your power of the Feminine? How can you use it?
22/11/2021 Duración: 19minWhat is your power of the Feminine? How you can use it? How to understand all this power from within? time to remember! I am you Magdala For more information, To get the book Sacredness of the Union of Polarities in our website:
The Golden Era: Be Peace!!
15/11/2021 Duración: 19minBe Peace! The Journey of forgiveness! you are not a victim nor the predator I am you Magdala To contact Magdala, buy her books, enroll in courses and online school or book a healing, visit: Please Donate to support our work through Sacred Woman or visit ebay to buy holiday gifts ( All proceeds go to Sacred Woman.
The Golden Era: Becoming a Woman
08/11/2021 Duración: 16minBecoming a WOMAN! I am you Magdala For her latest books, courses, online school, seminars and ceremonies, visit: