The Pro Organizer Studio Podcast



Pro Organizer Studio is a business and design resource for professional organizers. We are here to help you launch & grow the professional organizing business of your dreams! Founder Jen Obermeier has been coaching, supporting & inspiring savvy businesswomen in the home organizing industry since 2016.


  • 157 | Pricing + Knowing Your Worth, And "It's Not About You"--Melissa Gugni of Melissa Gugni Organizing

    25/07/2023 Duración: 23min

    Last epsiode, we talked to Melissa of Melissa Gugni Organizing in the Bay Area about boundaries in our organizing business--and that conversation veered into talking about pricing, knowing our worth as businesses, and a LOT of other topics--so we get a second awesome epsiode! Thanks to Melissa for joining us!  LINKS FOR LISTENERS: Melissa's business, Melissa Gugni Organizing: Information on our Inspired Organizer® program:

  • 156 | Not Just a Buzzword: Setting Boundaries as an Organizer

    18/07/2023 Duración: 39min

    "Boundaries" is a word that is pretty hot right now--but it's not just a buzzword, and it's a concept that organizers really need to get comfortable with in their work. My guest today, Melissa Gugni, a pro organizer in the Bay Area, runs several businesses, and has become really good at knowing what works and what doesn't as an entrepreneur, and she is helping us think about the concept of boundaries in our business. 

  • 155 | You Can Write! ( can!) - Molly Z. Winters, Copywriter for professional organizers

    12/07/2023 Duración: 40min

    My guest is Molly Z. Winters, who is a copywriter for professional organizers. One of the things I'm extremely passionate about is making sure that you're getting all of your information out in the world, whether that is your website or an email newsletter or a blog, and one of the things that is a major sticking point for people is writing. I hear all the time, "I don't know how to write. I don't know what to say. I don't know the words." I was very excited to meet Molly and have her be able to talk to us about copywriting and all of the magic that happens when you are able to get your message across.  LINKS FOR LISTENERS 3 Mistakes you might be making on your website: Molly's program to become a better writer, "What The Heck Do I Write on My Website?": Website: Instagram:

  • 154 | Jen Weintraub of Splendid Spaces Organizing

    12/06/2023 Duración: 33min

    We are back with one of our favorite things--interviewing organizers in our Inspired Organizer® program on their businesses and what they've learned as organizers. Today I'm excited for you to meet Jen Weintraub of Splendid Spaces Organizing!

  • 153 | "What if I get a bad review!" Managing fear and client expectations with Cabri Carpenter

    30/05/2023 Duración: 23min

    We are back with part 2 of my conversation with Cabri Carpenter of Minimize Then Organize in Lubbock. We are talking about something we see a lot--when organizers operate their business out of fear of what MIGHT happen. 

  • 152 | You're Overcomplicating Your Organizing Business.

    23/05/2023 Duración: 27min

    Cabri Carpenter (Minimize Then Organize in Lubbock, TX) and Melissa are breaking it down today with a little tough love...about how you are overcomplicating your professional organizing business. Sometimes being efficient means we actually end up with TOO many processes, procedures, and rules--which might be costing you time and money. 

  • 151 | What Does It Take To Be An Organizing Business Owner?

    01/05/2023 Duración: 17min

    What does it mean to be an organizing entrepreneur, and what does it mean to have an organizing business and what makes you successful?  Jen and Melissa are dishing about what it takes to be an entrepreneur in our industry. What is entrepreneurial spirit for an organizer? What you will hear I hope will reassure you about what it takes because I've said on many occasions, I never envisioned myself being an entrepreneur, ever. And now I am happier than I have ever imagined being in a career. And that's why I spend all day, every day making sure other women can get into this industry and be happy! LINKS FOR LISTENERS:  Find out more about Pro Organizer Studio HERE: Check out our free workshop, The Pro Organizer's Profit Plan:  

  • 150 | "How Will I Know The Perfect Time?"

    20/04/2023 Duración: 15min

    We got an email the other day from someone who was asking, essentially, what's the perfect time to start my business? She gave me a couple of details about what she has going on in her life driving the question...trying to figure out when she should begin. But I thought about that email and I was like, you know what? We have something. Jen and I had a conversation about this one time, and I found it and knew it was the perfect thing to share. But--it's not JUST about starting a business. The thing about this conversation is Jen has so many things that she says that I realize it's not just about whether it's time to start a business. It's really about what's the right time to start doing anything different. Whether it is starting your organizing business, whether it is starting a team and your organizing business, whether it is time to pivot into  something, no matter what it is, whatever you're trying to decide about, if you're reaching some sort of a crossroads in your organizing business. LINKS FOR LISTENER

  • 149 | Working With Clients: A grab bag of organizer questions

    11/04/2023 Duración: 41min

    In honor of enrollment for our course about everything under the sun about working with clients, Organizing Essentials, we are bringing you a podcast today where Jen and Melissa talk about all sorts of things relating to working with clients. From organizing closets to whether we feel pressure to keep our houses perfect, we're ready to talk about it all!  LINKS FOR LISTENERS: Our Organizing Essentials course is open for enrollment until April 17. Click here to join:

  • 148 | I Quit All Social Media: Get Inspired with Amber Ehrlich of The Tidy Bungalow

    04/04/2023 Duración: 37min

    Can an organizer survive and even thrive without any social media? Amber Ehrlich of The Tidy Bungalow in Phoenix, Arizona is here to talk about her experiment in saying goodbye to Facebook and Instagram.  LINKS FOR LISTENERS: Amber's organizing business, The Tidy Bungalow: Organizing Essentials course CLOSING APRIL 17-for details and registration, click HERE For information on our signature business building course, Inspired Organizer®, click HERE A little taste of the show: Melissa Klug: absolutely. Well, so one of the things that's really important, and something that you said is you have been doing this business full-time since you started, that's over five years ago. And so you're pretty experienced, but you and I also were very fortunate that we were able to build our have them be true full-time businesses pretty quickly. And so the way we did that was by using social media, right? That's how we solely built our businesses.  Amber Ehrlich: No, I, I've had a client, I know a client has

  • 147 | New Secret Weapons for Your Organizing Business...Demystifying ChatGPT and AI

    22/03/2023 Duración: 26min

    If you've been hearing the words ChatGPT, Magic Write, or AI and wondered "what the heck are these things everyone is talking about?"--we are here to help! AI is artificial intelligence, and we are taking the mystery out of these new tech tools and how they can help organizers with some of the hard work we need to do with SEO, blogs, websites, and other STUFF!  LINKS FOR LISTENERS: Join our newest round of our Organizing Essentials course closing soon ($249 for lifetime access): Click here to see the AI prompts and outputs Melissa mentions on this call: Information on our signature Inspired Organizer® program: A LITTLE TASTE OF THE EPISODE:  One of the things that I am committed to doing here is trying to break down some of these things that suddenly seem to be everywhere or things that have been around a while, but you might not actually know what

  • 146 | Leaving A Full-Time Job for My Organizing Business: Get Inspired Series with Kris Hargrove

    14/03/2023 Duración: 44min

    Kris Hargrove is one of our Inspired Organizers, and she recently took the leap from her full-time job to devote all her time and energy to organizing. She is giving us all the scoop today on this transition, what led her to organizing in the first place, and lots of other gems.  LINKS FOR LISTENERS Learn more about Kris: Join our new cohort in Organizing Essentials: Learn more about Inspired Organizer®:  

  • 145 | "Five Mile Famous" - Smart Marketing Strategies for "Proof Of Life" Social Media with Jen Mary of Everyday Style

    07/03/2023 Duración: 27min

    Last episode, we talked about "what not to do" and today we are telling you what you should be doing to implement the "proof of life" strategy on social media. If you haven't heard part 1 of my convo with Jen Mary, head back and take a listen before today's epsiode (or click here!) Jen is the founder of Everyday Style, and she is a super savvy businesswoman who has run an in-person business similar to professional organizing, and a digital business, so she's seen it all. She is giving us awesome tips on what TO do with your social media, including becoming "Five Mile Famous."  LINKS FOR LISTENERS: Listen to last week's epsiode: Meet Jen Mary of Everyday Style: Learn more about our Inspired Organizer® signature program for professional organizers: A LITTLE MORE OF THIS EPSIODE: Jen Mary: The other thing, so can we talk about things th

  • 144 | It's Not About Organizing Tips! What Gets Clients to Stop and Listen with Jen Mary of Everyday Style

    06/03/2023 Duración: 38min

    In our series on marketing "yes!" and "you can skip this!" for your professional organizing business--we turn to Jen Mary of Everyday Style to hit us with some truth bombs about what you can do to maximize the times you are using social media in our "proof of life" strategy. We want you to make the time you are spending on social into valuable time so you can go find clients with your other marketing. Spoiler alert: stop giving TIPS! We are going for inspiration, not information, and we're breaking it down for you.  Here is a great example of what we're talking about today: "If you imagine standing on a stage and you've got a microphone and there's thousands of people in the audience, and you wanna get the people you wanna work with, walking up there and saying, you need to color code your scarves not an "amen" moment. You walk up there and you say, 'The weight of your things is crushing. Have you ever not wanted to have people over because you're so afraid they're gonna look in your closet? Are you tired of

  • 143 | Getting Clients in 2023: Marketing That Works (no social media required!)

    26/02/2023 Duración: 39min

    Social media IS NOT the answer for marketing an in-home service business in what IS the answer? Today's podcast answers that important question with our guest Kate from We are giving you actionable tips on what your marketing should look like, and how to create that client funnel to your business.  LINKS FOR LISTENERS: Connect with Kate The Socialite here: Connect with us: PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT: Hey, pro organizers. It's your podcast co-host, Melissa, and we have gotten such awesome feedback from people on our episode last week  if you have not heard it, just go back one episode and listen to it. We're talking to Kate. Kate runs a marketing business for home professionals, and we are talking about marketing your organizing business in 2023.  Last week we talked about why social media might not be the thing you wanna do for your marketing, but this week we're talking about what should you be doing for your marketing

  • 142 | Social Media Isn't The Answer: Marketing Your Organizing Business in 2023

    20/02/2023 Duración: 28min

    Since I became a business coach for organizers a few years ago, if I had a way to add up the amount of time that I talk about social media in relation to a lot of other topics in business--I think it's an outsized part of the conversation that exists for how to grow our businesses. I wanted to have a really candid talk with my guest about what social media is and what it isn't for organizers. My guest is Kate from Kate The Socialite, and she is a marketer for the home services industry, including many great professional organizers. We are talking about why soical media isn't the answer many people think it is--and why.  LINKS FOR LISTENERS:  Information on our signature program Inspired Organizer®: CLICK HERE Kate's marketing business for organizers, Kate The Socialite: CLICK HERE Our free workshop, The Pro Organizer's Profit Plan: CLICK HERE A QUICK TASTE OF THIS EPSIODE: Melissa Klug: Hello to all of my favorite organizers. I hope you are having an absolutely awesome day. I listen to a lot of podcasts. It'

  • 141 | Ask Us Anything! Jen and Melissa answer organizers' questions

    07/02/2023 Duración: 42min

    Jen and Melissa are doing what they love--answering organizer questions! Today we are talking about mindset when things are in a bit of a valley with your business; how we "manage it all" (spoiler alert: we don't!) and taking a break from your business. We love love love talking to organizers, so if you have questions don't hesitate to send them our way! We're at and we would love to hear from you. 

  • 140 | Get Inspired Series: Beth Nordby of Custom Order Organizing

    01/02/2023 Duración: 39min

    Beth Nordby was doing digital marketing for a big Fortune 500 company and she realized she wanted something more for her career. Organizing was it. She took a leap a year ago and started Custom Order Organizing, and hasn't looked back. We love our Get Inspired series talking to the awesome organizers of our Inspired Organizer® community! 

  • 139 | I Am On A Work Vacation (it might not be what it sounds like!) MINISODE

    27/01/2023 Duración: 09min

    Melissa is recording this episode from an AirBNB--because she's on a work vacation. This is different than being ON vacation FROM work, and she'll explain it all in this Friday minisode for our awesome organizers. 

  • 138 | 1 Year in Business: Being Intentional + What She Learned with Kim Snodgrass (Part 2)

    23/01/2023 Duración: 26min

    This is the second part of my conversation with Kim Snodgrass of Rustic Home Organizing in Oregon. We interviewed her on the podcast last year when she was brand new--and we wanted to check in with her on what she learned in her first year of organizing.  LINKS FOR LISTENERS Connect with Kim: CLICK HERE Learn more about Inspired Organizer®: CLICK HERE Transcript: Melissa Klug: What have you taken from that kind of learning to help you moving forward as you start into your second year and hopefully third and fifth and 10th year Kim Snodgrass: Oh, I'll be there. For me, so my new word, I would like to share my new word.  Melissa Klug: I'm excited. Drum roll.  Kim Snodgrass: Are you ready? My new word is intentional. I love that. This year is all about being intentional in my actions. , I will be thoughtful in what I'm doing. I'm giving myself time to process. I'm not making quick decisions.  I'm gonna allow myself to think for myself until I feel like I need to bring in another opinion which will bring me to a

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