Ora Njawani

Njawani iku urusane wong jawa, liyane oleh melu-melu.


Rethinking money . Imagine you meet up with your friends in a Sunday chill afternoon , and they give you new ideas about investment in a fun way . Now imagine that's actually a...

Kala Bercerita

Sekedar bercerita soal cinta, kerja dan segala drama realita dunia yang tidak pernah ada habisnya.

Ruang Intuisi

Hay! I am @gracetyshabrina. Dan Ruang Intuisi adalah tempat yang nyaman untuk aku dan juga kamu untuk saling bercerita. Semoga menginspirasi dan menjadi amal shaleh email:...

Positive Vibes

Here i talk about the life of the world,life of young people and love life. Hopefully you enjoy it and be positive people

Nonsense Talk

Just two random guys and a nonsense talk

Bola Liar

Everything about Football Specially Indonesia Football. By Furqan Ahmadi (Football Enthusiast)

Podcast Rumah Tangga

Diskusi ringan pasangan suami istri tentang banyak hal. Oleh Ariska (@ariskamaya) & Ihsan (@ihsan_qodri)

Sole Podcast

Welcome to Solepod. You are listening to 3 of the smartest people we know, talking about nothing and everything. It's sure to bring a smile, and hopefully, a few laughs to your...

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