En Voz De Jordi Soler

Jordi Soler (Veracruz, México, 1963). Escritor, locutor y periodista. Aunque nunca ejerció la carrera de diseño industrial de la que egresó, se ha consolidado como escritor ...

Píldoras De Psicología, Alberto Soler

El podcast de los audios del canal de Youtube de Alberto Soler

Colette Marie Stefan

The Truth is Funny - Wednesdays 8 am Pacific 11 am Eastern Now hear every 1st WednesdayColette's Guest Host Phil FreeEvery 3rd Wednesday Colette's Guest Host Karen Campbell Betten...

Start Within With Coach Colette

Being WELL comes from within and, being WELL is about more than just your physical health. Coach Colette believes that being WELL is at the foundation of your journey to realize...

Barks and Purrs (Dramatic Reading) by COLETTE

Barks and Purrs is a collection of seven episodes in the lives of Toby-Dog, a French Bulldog, and Kiki-the-Demure, a Maltese cat, living in a comfortable household. The episodes...

Real Estate Revolution With Colette Rabba

Join Colette a Real Estate Broker who shares valuable information, answers questions and helps solve problems regarding the exciting (and sometimes crazy) world of Real Estate....

Relationship Marketing & Sales With David J Soler

Listen to the "About" show to get the overview of the show in less than 5 mins. ----------- David J Soler reveals proven strategies for relationship marketing, relationship sales...

O Que Lacan Dizia Das Mulheres

Com um olhar penetrante, Colette Soler mistura teoria com especialidade clínica. Ela explica de forma sedutora o que Lacan pensou sobre a controversa questão de diferença...

Adventos Do Real

A angústia é o "sintoma-padrão de todo advento do real", segundo Lacan. Esses adventos são diversos, indo do trauma individual da primeira infância aos efeitos da ciência na...

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