Donald & Amanda Live

Donald and Amanda TV, movie, and anime armchair running commentaries.

David Herbert Donald

David Herbert Donald (1920 - 2009) was a distinguished historian, longtime chair of the graduate program in American history at Harvard, and a leading authority on the Civil War...

Inside Donald Trump

Andy Hamilton has made a decision. Its time to move out of writing television comedy and turn his attention to a more pressing matter at hand that of serious investigative...

Càndid O L´optimisme

Càndid és l’exemple més reeixit del gènere literari: narració filosòfica. Càndid, la més cèlebre de les novel·les de Voltaire, és l’exemple més reeixit de...

Podcast Letra L

Capsulas del programa por Internet LatinTime, de la emisora por independiente ExodoAudio. Ezra Alcázar platica, como en una conversación de amigos, lo que fue, es y será la...

L´escriptor Biónic

El món de les lletres està podrit: enveges i plagis a tort i a dret, agents literaris corruptes, escriptors amb vanitats injustificades i editors sense escrúpols. Nil Barral,...

Adam Robertson On Biz Startup

I am in the beginning stages of building a franchise chain with my first location opening up in early 2018. It’s called The Simple Greek and is a small system started out east a...

Phil Robertson Presents The Gospel

Hear Phil Robertson tell it like it is! Phil brings the gospel to the masses with his Sunday Morning class. We hope that you are blessed by listening to this podcast! Share this...

Oliver L.

O que você diria se uma maquiavélica criatura o convidasse a um mundo completamente estranho, tendo como recompensa, ao final, a explicação de todo o mistério que ronda sua...


Don't Walk DANCEProgressive/House/Trance/Electro

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