Hard Edition

The hardest news on the planet...all over your face!

Swish Edition

The "Swish Edition" was produced in Washington, DC and beamed to the world every week from 2010-2014. Hosts Dale Blades and Scott Wallis--along with a colorful, diverse cast of...

Edition Zukunft

Edition Zukunft, der Podcast über das Leben und die Welt von morgen. Die Redaktion von DER STANDARD spricht mit Experten über Entwicklungen, die unseren Alltag verändern - von...

Adororo_and_me: Podcast Edition Plus +

Salidos (del verbo salir y no del verbo estar) de un canal de Youtube estos dos personajes de la improvisación absurda se han pasado a la moda del Gin-Tonic y entre cubata y...

Nórdicos Deluxe Edition

DE ONDE VIEMOS? COMO SURGIU O MUNDO?SE TUDO TEM UM FIM, O QUE É QUE TEM VALOR? Desde o princípio dos tempos, a humanidade vem respondendo a essas perguntas com histórias...

Leftie [russian Edition]

Original and bright hero of the story N. Leskov "Lefty" - a symbol of the Russian soul, alive, sincere, joyful. An unusual story, known to any connoisseur of literature: a skilled...

Oblomov [russian Edition]

Oblomov is the best known novel by Russian writer Ivan Goncharov, first published in 1859. Oblomov is also the central character of the novel, often seen as the ultimate...

Blutsommer: Adac Edition

Martin Abel, der beste Fallanalytiker des LKA in Stuttgart, glaubt, schon jedes Grauen gesehen zu haben. Doch er hat sich geirrt … Als die fünfte entstellte Leiche gefunden...

Flatland: English Edition

Top, bottom ... These are two expressions that do not have courses in Flatland. To use them, you risk losing the head, literally and figuratively. For if the people of this world...

Armand: English Edition

Armand: Publié en 1926, Armand est le deuxième roman d'Emmanuel Bove, après Mes Amis, dont il est assez proche dans le style et la finalité.Armand...

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