Wo Selbst Die Wege Nachdenklich Werden - Friedrich Nietzsche Und Der Berg (ungekürzt)

"So wenig als möglich sitzen; keinem Gedanken Glauben schenken, der nicht im Freien geboren ist und bei freier Bewegung, in dem nicht auch die Muskeln ein Fest feiern!" Der...

Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 by ENGELS, Friedrich

This is Engels first book (since considered a classic account of Englands working class in the industrial age), which argues that workers paid a heavy price for the industrial...

Tributação, Mercado E Mínimo Existencial: Leitura Da Obra "lei, Legislação E Liberdade", De Friedrich August Von Hayek

No ano em que se acentuaram as contradições do sistema capitalista – 1974 – Friedrich August von Hayek, um dos expoentes da chamada Escola Austríaca de Pensamento...

The Twilight Of The Idols Or How To Philosophise With The Hammer By Friedrich Nietzsche

Of The Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche says in Ecce Homo: If anyone should desire to obtain a rapid sketch of how everything before my time was standing on its head, he should...

A Noiva De Messina

A noiva de Messina, "tragédia com coros" concluída em 1803 e logo encenada em Weimar, é um dos pontos altos da dramaturgia e da reflexão estética do poeta e dramaturgo...

The Piccolomini: A Play

In the second play of the Wallenstein trilogy the viewpoint changes from that of the ordinary soldiers to that of the commanders who, awaiting orders, meet in an encampment near...

The Bride Of Messina

The play is set in Sicily, at a time when Paganism and Christianity meet, thus again outlining this theme. It is one of the most controversial works by Schiller attempting to...

I Masnadieri

Dramma in cinque atti che fu rappresentato per la prima volta nel 1782, già all'epoca riscosse un enorme successo. Emotivamente intenso, capace di coinvolgere in...

Fiesco: The Genoese Conspiracy

Genoa in 1547. This commercial center had gained its independence from France as well as a new prince through the actions of Andrea Doria 19 years previously. But the Doge Doria...

Guilherme Tell

O habilidoso arqueiro Guilherme Tell era um homem simples, bondoso e enérgico, cuja coragem e honestidade fizeram com que fosse muito querido e respeitado em sua região, um...

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