Tender Buttons by STEIN, Gertrude

The time came when there was a birthday. Every day was no excitement and a birthday was added, it was added on Monday, this made the memory clear, this which was a speech showed...

Tri Chat With Lise And Gabriela

A podcast to encourage and engage triathletes across all distances and representing all athletic abilities. Tri Chat with Lise and Gabriela embodies the heart and soul of what...

Gabriel and the Hour Book by STEIN, Evaleen

Brother Stephen has the heart of an artist and wishes to leave the abbey to travel and see the world. However, King Louis has decreed that an hour book be made for his bride, Lady...

Edith Stein: A Construção Do Ser Pessoa Humana

Edith Theresa Hedwing Stein (1891-1942) foi uma filósofa e teóloga alemã. De origem judia, converteu-se posteriormente ao catolicismo, tornando-se carmelita descalça. Morreu...

Geography and Plays by STEIN, Gertrude

Geography and Plays is a 1922 collection of Gertrude Steins word portraits, or stream-of-consciousness writings. These stream-of-consciousness experiments, rhythmical essays or...

Expedition Siebengebirge - Über Stock Und Stein

Geocaching, Interviews, Touren round um den Naturpark Siebengebirge

Formação Humana E Violência À Luz Da Fenomenologia De Edith Stein

O que é violência? Como enfrentá-la? Será que ela determina o modo de vida e a existência das pessoas? E a singularidade? E a liberdade? Como a Psicologia pode contribuir?...

Disrupting The Global Order With Janice Stein

Political scientist Janice Stein is one of Canada's - and the world's - foremost authorities on global affairs. Each week on the Disrupting the Global Order, Stein leads a...

Nas Trilhas De Edith Stein: Gênero Em Perspectiva Fenomenológica E Teológica

O livro Nas trilhas de Edith Stein: gênero em perspectiva fenomenológica e teológica apresenta a questão de gênero numa perspectiva fenomenológica e teológica e tem como...

Lagerkoller 1: In Stein Gemeißelt - Erotische Novelle

Prickelndes Lesevergnügen!Der Urlaub im Ferienhaus an der Nordsee entwickelt sich ganz anders als geplant: Ulf offenbart seiner Frau Solbjørg, dass er künftig im Zölibat leben...

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