The Turn Of The Screw

An unnamed narrator listens to a male friend reading a manuscript telling the story of how a young governess is hired by a man who has become responsible for his young nephew and...

The Aspern Papers

In the Aspern Papers a nameless narrator goes to Venice to find Juliana Bordereau, an old lover of Jeffrey Aspern, a famous and now dead American poet. The story is based on the...

The Ambassadors

The Ambassadors is a dark comedy, one of the masterpieces of James's final period. It follows the trip of protagonist Lewis Lambert Strether to Europe in pursuit of Chad, his...

The Pupil

The Pupil is a short story by Henry James, first published in Longman's Magazine in 1891. It is the emotional story of a precocious young boy growing up in a mendacious and...

The Aspern Papers

In this classic 1888 novella, an anonymous narrator relates his obsessive quest to acquire some letters and other private documents that once belonged to the deceased Romantic...

The American

Henry James’s third novel is an exploration of his most powerful, perennial theme – the clash between European and American cultures, the Old World and the...

La Bestia Nella Giungla

Tra i padri del moderno romanzo e pioniere di una forma narrativa assolutamente innovativa, in questo racconto Henry James ci porta nell'Inghilterra dell'800, dove il...

The Beast In The Jungle

The Beast in the Jungle is one of James' finest short novels touching upon such universal themes as loneliness, fate, love and death. The story can be interpreted as a confession...

The Bostonians

Mississippi lawyer and Civil War veteran, Basil Ransom, visits his cousin Olive Chancellor in Boston. She takes him to a political meeting where Verena Tarrant delivers a feminist...

The Turn Of The Screw

Widely recognized as one of literature's most gripping ghost stories, this classic tale of moral degradation concerns the sinister transformation of two innocent children into...

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