D&d Is For Nerds

In which we sit around a table, pretend to be different people and play some good old fashioned Dungeons and Dragons. Starring Jackson B. Baly as a human bard, Joel L. Zammit as a...

Chaotic Amateurs: A D&d Podcast

A 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Real-Play Podcast.

Nerd Talk: A D&d Podcast

A D&D Podcast is brought to you by two people who enjoy everything nerdy. Topics range from Star Wars to Netflix, DC vs Marvel, and so much more.

Dice Funk - D&d Comedy

Tabletop radio drama meets gaming comedy with an anthology series that is equal parts goofy jokes and sweet sword duels.

Movie Talk With D&d

David & Dwaine are two best friends who love to talk about movies. Our lively and frequent movie discussions became the popular "Shootin' the Breeze" segment in our podcast,...

Adventures Through D&d Land

Want to become a good GM or a better player? What to find good inspiration for new or old games that need it? Want to hear some good old stories about my experiences through RPGs?...


Como jamais visto na história da imprensa até entăo, Émile Zola (1840-1902) mobilizou a opiniăo pública francesa para tentar corrigir uma das maiores injustiças cometidas...

Escritos Do J

O que você faz quando está abatido? Quando olha o infinito do céu pálido nogrande inverno, ou quando chega o verão, e o frio entorpece a alma? O que pensar douniverso quando...


Welcome to the TP&J podcast, where the beautiful game happens.

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