Krishna The Reservoir Of Pleasure & Who Is Crazy

A REMARKABLE GUIDED MEDITATION BY A 50 YEAR YOGI"Sripad Jagannatha Dasa guides us into the sacred heart of Bhakti yoga in this life-changing work as only a dedicated lifelong...

The Spiritual Journey Of The Beatles' Soul George Harrison Hare Krsna Man

Although George insisted, he was only a regular guy, there is quite a lot of evidence to the contrary. Throughout his often magical, turbulent, unlikely life, he selflessly raised...

Divine Tales Spiritual Gems - Sri Krishna & Srimati Radharani

Srimati Radharani's connection to Sri Krishna is of two types: svakiya-rasa (married relationship) and parakiya-rasa (a relationship signified with eternal mental "love"). The...

Divine Tales Spiritual Jewels - Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu The Golden Avatar Of Godhead

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is an incarnation of Krishna who appeared in Nadia, West Bengal, India in the 15th century A.D When Krishna spoke Bhagavad-gita on the battlefield of...

Divine Tales Spiritual Gems - Sri Krishna The Supreme Personality Of Godhead

Krishna is an historical person who appeared on this earth in India 5,000 years ago. He stayed on this earth for 125 years and played exactly like a human being, but His...

The Srimad Bhagavatam Divine Secrets Of The Soul

"I request you to take advantage of this book and enter into its understanding. Please make an appointment to meet your God now, through the self-liberating process of Yoga."...

The Secret Gospels Of The Vedas - The Yoga Of Death & Rebirth Overcoming Time Finding Liberation

"Once again give me this earth, once again the sky and universe, once again this land blessed by the moon, once again this land of plenty." The Rig Veda"Whenever we take birth,...

The Most Sublime Confidential Knowledge Yoga Of The Sri Isopanisad

This great work is a key scripture of the Vedanta sub-schools, and an influential Śruti to diverse schools of Hinduism. It is also the 40th chapter of Yajurveda. The name of the...

Ancient Secrets Of Vedic Astrology The Yogic Art Of Divination

Each person is born in or under one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and is influenced by the planetary conditions at their time of birth. By referring to your sign, indicated by...

The Yogic Practice Of Sadhana

Rabindranath Tagore was born May 7,1861. He was a Bengali poet, writer, composer, philosopher, social reformer and painter.[2] He reshaped Bengali literature and music, as well...

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