Master And Man

A land owner named Vasili takes along one of his peasants, Nikita, for a short journey to the house of the owner of a forest. He is impatient and wishes to get to the town more...

The Cossacks

Dmitri Olenin, a privileged disenchanted nobleman joins the army as a cadet, in the hopes of escaping the superficiality of his daily life. In his quest to find completeness, he...

Hadji Murad

The story follows a separatist guerrilla Murat who falls out with his own commander and eventually sides with the Imperial Russian forces in hope of saving his family. Tolstoy...

God Sees The Truth, But Waits

"God Sees the Truth, But Waits" is a short story by Russian author Leo Tolstoy first published in 1872.Leo Tolstoy was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the...

The Death Of Ivan Ilyich

Ivan Ilyich, a high court judge, becomes seriously ill and faces a long and gruelling battle with death. The Death of Ivan Ilyich is more than a story about death, however. It...

The Candle

There was a certain nobleman who had chosen a superintendent from the peasantry on one of his other estates. No sooner had the power to govern been vested in this newly-made...

Sevastopol Sketches

In Sevastopol (or Sebastopol) Sketches Tolstoy examines the senselessness and vanity of war, the many aspects of the psychology of war, heroism, and the misleading presence of...

The Bear-hunt

The adventure here narrated is one that happened to Tolstoy himself in 1858. More than twenty years later he gave up hunting, on humanitarian grounds.

Three Questions And Other Tales

It once occurred to a King that if he knew the right moment when to begin on any work and the right kind of people to have or not to have dealings with and the thing to do that...

The Coffee-house Of Surat

In the town of Surat, in India, was a coffee-house where many travellers and foreigners from all parts of the world met and conversed. One day a learned Persian theologian visited...

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