Oscar Rodas's Show

Proceed with caution I talk a lot of crap

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Erik & Oscars Podcast

Två 23-åriga killar från Växjö snackar om sina liv. Tinder, dejting, fest, pinsamheter och roliga lekar är återkommande teman.

Oscar Wants A Sausage

Oscar Wants A Sausage is the name of our Podcast, recorded regularly at The Chaos Studio in Raynes Park, South West London.

Los Oscar Mataron Al Stream

¿Te sorprendiste tanto como Jack Nicholson cuando Crash le gano a Brokeback Mountain? ¿Crees que Jack y Rose entraban juntos en la puerta en Titanic?. Nos gusta el cine. No...

Charla Magistral Con Oscar Navarro

Charla Magistral es un podcast donde me siento a entrevistar profesionales sobre sus respectivas carreras para ver qué aprendieron ejerciendo, o "en la calle", que no les...

Oscar Niemeyer: Clássicos E Inéditos

O catálogo Oscar Niemeyer – clássicos e inéditos reúne textos de diversos arquitetos e compõe um importante material de referência para a percepção da importância...

Reviews By Oscar Wilde

Wildes literary reputation has survived so much that I think it proof against any exhumation of articles which he or his admirers would have preferred to forget. As a matter of...

Theenvelope.com - Oscar Call Podcast

Los Angeles Times movie columnist Patrick Goldstein and Times film industry reporter John Horn discuss the players, the contenders and the pretenders in the race for Hollywood's...

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