Diligent Pastors

Grow in your church leadership through encouraging interviews with pastors and those who train them. We strive to raise up men to love the church of God and to take His gospel to...

Ser Pastor

As responsabilidades de um pastor são únicas, exigindo que ele não só nutra sua própria vida espiritual, mas também a vida dos que estão sob seus cuidados. Que desafio!...

Esposa de Pastor

O ebook Esposa de Pastor da autora Iracy de Araújo Leite foi lançado pela Convicção Editora.

Deus o Pastor

Miguel Ângelo da Silva Ferreira, nascido em Luanda – Angola, em 20 de março de 1953, filho de Amílcar Augusto Ferreira e Laura dos Anjos Ferreira…Foi líder de uma...

Pastor Pods

MDPC Pastors and biblical scholars from our staff have paired up for this podcast. This summer they discuss Wrestling with Scripture, the summer sermon series that tackles some of...

Pastor Talk

A new podcast series that allows you to hear the heart of our pastors concerning issues we face. This segment is designed to get others to think through these same issues with us....

Ask A Pastor

Looking for understanding, advice or just a different perspective on things happening in your life. Pastor Gardner is here to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding on the...

Pastor John

Day 1 fasting and prayer

Ask Pastor

Answers to follow-up questions from Sundays Sermons

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