Bir Elit Bilim ?nsan?: Prof. Dr. Celal Engör

Bu bölümde Sevgili #Bilim?nsan? #Celalengör, Elitizm üzerine kendi yaad?? deneyimleri, Dünyada ki elit alg?s? ve Türkiyede ki durumu özetleyen bir demeç veriyor.

Prof. Suarez

Social Media Marketing, Small Business Management, Web Design, Gaming, & Interactive Marketing

Prof Alternatif

Développe tes compétences à la vitesse de tes lumières!

Med On The Go With Dr. Oli

Detailed medical knowledge and case studies compiled into sections for easy learning on the go.

E-Media Podcasts with Prof. Richard Cawood, Prof. Tom Haines and Dr. John Owens

The Journey... Welcome to the new series of Podcasts developed by Prof. Richard Cawood, Prof. Thomas Haines and Dr. John Owens. These casts function as an introduction and...

Pace Profs

Pace University communications professor Kate Fink talks with other professors about their lives and their work.

Med Mer

" Mr.Med Mer " The Album Coming Fall 2014 . The 1st Single : "Show Me" Now Available .

O Princípio Da Coerência Na Teoria De Klaus Günther

Hans Kelsen e Ulrich Klug trocaram cartas de 1959 a 1965, nas quais discutiam a aplicação direta da lógica ao direito. Esse período é marcado por uma mudança na teoria de...

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