L´escriptor Biónic

El món de les lletres està podrit: enveges i plagis a tort i a dret, agents literaris corruptes, escriptors amb vanitats injustificades i editors sense escrúpols. Nil Barral,...

Càndid O L´optimisme

Càndid és l’exemple més reeixit del gènere literari: narració filosòfica. Càndid, la més cèlebre de les novel·les de Voltaire, és l’exemple més reeixit de...

Podcast Letra L

Capsulas del programa por Internet LatinTime, de la emisora por independiente ExodoAudio. Ezra Alcázar platica, como en una conversación de amigos, lo que fue, es y será la...

Ron & Yon Talk

This is the podcast for Ron & Yon to discuss whatever they find interesting at any given moment.

Ron Durr's Podcast

Featured artist : Louie Vega, Bucie, Rocco, Khensy (Lars Berhenroth remix), Penner+Muder, Liquid Deep and many more

Movies With Ron

Welcome to Movies with Ron, a new podcast for those who haven't the time or $$ for the cinema, or who just want to catch up on a film they normally would never see. Each week, Ron...

Chatting With Ron

Interviews with leaders from business, organizations and government.

Ron Cantor Podcast

Every week and sometimes more than once a week, Ron Cantor, a citizen of Israel, discuss the news surrounding Israel, from ISIS to Obama, but all from a Messianic point of view....

Ax Ron P

Fresh perspectives on relationships, sex, communication and everything else.

Ron King Show

THE RON KING SHOW, on www.RKPradio.com ,showcases Gospel and Contemporary Christian Music by independent Christian singers, songwriters and bands from the tri-state area of...

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