Luv Bites & So Do I: Starcrossed Love … Or Is It?

What if only vampires stood between humanity and the serpent menace? And the difference between a serpent and a human … unknown – until the serpent strikes!Al, just...

Un'ombra Nella Nebbia

Un uomo vaga nei boschi. Non ha memoria di sé. Non sa chi sia, da dove provenga, dove il cammino intrapreso lo stia conducendo. Inerme, affronta il mondo giorno per giorno,...

Escape From The Blighted Bliss: A Nightmare With No Escape (unless …)

A towering wall of bramble. Cherries as sweet as the deadly agony they inflict.Azura Snow, a bookworm of a beast girl vixen, but with regeneration, so no instaaaaant deeeeeath!She...

Towers & Crows: Epic Tales For Your Delight

Epic fantasy delighted audiences for decades showing small people can overcome overwhelming odds.In these collected tales: Can a lone druid save a city from disaster? Can a meager...


Manalive by G. K. Chesterton. Perhaps the most light-hearted of all Chesterton's "serious" works, Manalive pits a group of disillusioned young people against Mr....

Baby For My Omega (mpreg Hospital, #1)

Can Doctor Albright sacrifice everything he wants for the omega he needs?Doctor Adam Albright's career is built on a lie. Nobody knows he's an alpha. They wouldn't...

La Città Dei Normali

Un viaggio all'interno di una città surreale porterà a scenari inaspettati.

The Millionaire's Maths For Beginners

The book was written focusing on the young adults. The purpose of the book is to stimulate the mind of the reader to start seeing making million as an achieveable goal, and the...

Légendes Des Alpes Vaudoises

Cérésole Alfred – Légendes des Alpes vaudoises : Vous allez croiser des fées, des lutins, des servans, des diables, des revenants et des...

Le Boeuf Clandestin

Troubles chez les bourgeois.Ils sont très comme il faut, les Berthaud. Pleins de principes. Avides de ressembler à tous les clichés que l'on se fait sur...

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