Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




In summer of 2022 I decided to make a comeback into competitive bodybuilding. It's been 20 years since I last competed. So WHY, at age 46, would I choose this for myself? Because I like doing what society says I can’t do "at my age." I also felt like I needed to prove to myself that I COULD do it. See, I wasn't happy with myself. I wasn't doing the best I could. I wasn't living up to my potential, and I knew it. A friend got me in touch with a trainer who specializes in getting people competition ready, and I got to work. (I even decided to create a documentary from my journey, and it's set to come out later this year on Netflix!) Losing more weight HAS to be a part of getting competition ready, and I've lost 20 pounds since I started. And to my surprise, I discovered five "non-scale victories" I wasn't expecting to experience. To hear what they are, tune into this week's podcast episode. See if you relate to any of them. Hear what you might get to experience when you get your weight under control. If you're