Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




The human brain is pretty fascinating. It's wired to both be wary of new things, and yet be excited by them. The human mind also loves to improve things in order to save us time and energy, and give us a survival advantage. The problem is that sometimes our desire for the dopamine hit we get from "new and exciting" causes us to lose touch with what's actually working... And in a lot of cases, overcomplicate the crap out of something that isn't complicated. I mean, how much simpler can it be than real food, water, and sleep? Here's an example of what I mean. A former Rebel who left the community posted pictures on social networks of what she was eating.There were many "foods" that we on Code Red call workarounds, like "keto bread," "keto cupcakes," and "keto snacks." After only three months, this lady gained back a lot of the weight she'd lost on Code Red. After another three months, she'd gained back all of it or more... Not because the program doesn't work, but because she stopped following it. She lost sigh