Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




A while back, my sister, Cari, posted something slightly political on her Facebook news feed, mainly because it was a play on words to do with her husband's name, and she thought it was funny. Someone read it, got upset and messaged me to say, “Cristy, I’m done with Code Red!” Cari's post had nothing to do with Code Red, or even weight loss. Yet because she happens to be my sister, they decided to have a mad fit over it, unfollow ME, and abandon their Code Red journey. This person's behavior reminded me how, as a society, we've gotten SO touchy. Heaven forbid you tell the truth about something uncomfortable, like the FACT that obesity is NOT healthy. What has the world come to when doctors can't even warn you about the health risks associated with obesity because someone's gonna get offended? What's next? They can't talk to you about diabetes, cancer, or fibromyalgia, because someone who can't handle the truth decides it's "prejudiced" somehow to talk about diseases? Cancel culture is out of control. And the