Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Sitting in the CONVENIENCE



A kind of "silent killer" was revealed to me that quietly stalks our relationships and interactions. You can sit beside it, or even "on its lap," and NEVER even realize it is there, consuming your peace and controlling your life. I recognized this monster after a loved one who’d been in an abusive relationship said to me, “I was sitting in the convenience.” Not only that, this person was STAYING in the convenience. “But how can you stay or sit in convenience?” I wondered. THEN I realized what it meant. Sitting or staying in convenience is staying somewhere longer than you should, or putting up with more than you should... Not because it's the best thing for you, but because leaving or changing seems scarier and harder than staying (or staying the same). I can totally testify to that. I was in a domestic violence situation in my late teens. Though I got out of it pretty quickly compared to some, what kept me from telling anyone or getting out sooner was this: I was EMBARRASSED at what people would say. Plus, I