Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




"I gagged and threw up! I can't drink my water!" My sister, Cari, told me that back when she first started Code Red over 10 years ago. "Cari, don't make yourself throw up!" I told her. (Cari had failed weight loss surgery, by the way. She's been able to get her water in for over 10 years now.) Then she called me a few days later, while detoxing from not eating the crap foods she was addicted to, and told me, "Cristy, I am miserable—you’ve got to do something!” We've all been where Cari was. Maybe even dozens of times. When we change our eating to lose weight, to get healthier, or even to train for a bodybuilding comeback, like I did recently, we start missing "our favorite foods" because they comfort us, or remind us of people or experiences we love. We even personify foods, like we do with a lot of inanimate objects. Meaning, we assign human qualities to stuff, like the fridge that is "calling your name," or the bathroom scale that's your "nemeisis." The fridge isn't calling you anything. It's a bunch of cir