Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




For me, there's no question that I'm doing what I was put on this earth to do. We ALL have a purpose. We're all here for a reason. That's what I believe. What that purpose is, well, that can be hard to pinpoint...kinda like it was (at first) for Esther in the Bible. If you're familiar with the story, you know Esther was a typical Jewish woman who, through a series of pretty impossible circumstances, was made queen. God used her to save her people from an evil plot to wipe them out. It's what she was born to do. Your purpose may or may not be that grandiose, but either way, don't think for one second that it doesn't matter. To the people you impact, it can mean the world. Case in point: my sister Cari is an ICU nurse. She’s had patients the doctor tried to fix, but couldn't. She told me about a family who wanted a minister to come in and pray, but no one would, and it was heartbreaking. So, Cari offered to pray, and the relief on that family's face was instant. To them, that meant the world!! Make no mistake: