Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




One of the worst crimes in today's "social media" society can be summed up in one word: Disagreement. Seriously, someone not agreeing with your personal opinion is grounds for an online mob attack these days. Someone accidentally puts an angry face instead of a heart on your post, and it ruins your day. As if that wasn't bad enough, more and more people are getting SO offended that they sabotage their own lives. For example, people have actually left Code Red, regained their weight, and got sick again because Cari or I said something they didn't agree with. Put another way: getting offended caused them to retreat into emotional protection and HURT THEIR BODY AND MIND themselves by returning to foods and habits that packed the weight back on and fed their pain and disease. Is it REALLY worth getting SO offended that you can't even function? That you wallow in blame and self-pity for years? What kind of a life is that? And what are you missing out on because you refuse to navigate life without hiding in a cave