Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




In this week's episode, I welcome a special guest: Brad Pickett. Brad was born on a potato farm in Idaho. He grew up driving tractors and racing dirt bikes. After college, he went into real estate, but his real passions are: Mindset coaching Helping people Since mindset is something a lot of Rebels struggle with when it comes to their weight, I invited Brad onto this week's episode to talk about shifting your mindset in a way that will help you get and keep your weight off. Specifically, we're gonna talk about something that contributes, BIG TIME, to that urge to eat when you're not hungry: running from your problems. Seriously, when you feel uncomfortable, what do you do? Do you face the emotion? Or do you dive for any excuse you can NOT to face it? Look, we ALL have things that trigger us into not thinking straight. It doesn't make you a bad person or weak if you feel triggered into wanting to eat to cope with stuff. But it can be a huge problem, because it makes it SO much harder to stay on track. (Not imp