Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Voting for your FUTURE with Brad Pickett



Brad Pickett joins me again for this week's podcast, and we'll be talking about voting...but probably not in the way you're thinking. Yes, you go to the polls and vote for politicians. And any time you buy something, you're voting with your dollar (whether you realize it or not). But neither of those are the kind of voting Brad and I are talking about in this week's new podcast. We're talking about voting with your THOUGHTS. Seriously, did you know that with EVERY thought, you are voting for your future? Most people don’t realize it, but we CONSTANTLY have thoughts. (Some people call it "inner dialogue.") Some thoughts are pretty silly. Some are positive. Some are negative. And those negative thoughts can be a real problem. I first became aware of my thoughts back in 2016, when I met my first business coach, Natasha. She came into my office for weight loss and went on to lose 55.5 pounds in five months. Then she started helping me with my business and my mindset, and one of the first things we worked on were