Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Skin in the GAME



This podcast episode is about why success is next to impossible without enough skin in the game. People message me all the time and say, "I bought a Home Study program for my nephew, and he never even did it," or "I bought a Home Study program for my mom, and she never lost any weight with it." This is sad, but it doesn't surprise me at all, because I’ve NEVER seen anybody succeed when they don't have skin in the game. Meaning, they’re not going to value something they get for free because people do not value free (especially if someone else forces it on them, even with good intentions). It's the same if you buy something for your kids vs. if you make them purchase part of it themselves. If they help buy it, they will appreciate it more. (Same deal with their time. If they help choose and cook breakfast, they'll be more invested in eating it.) It's not about the money (or even the time) itself. It’s about the fact that most people aren't invested enough if they don't trade something of value to them in order