Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Expecting a miracle when you won't do your part



This episode is about expecting a miracle when you're not willing to do your part to get it. John Chapter 5 in the Bible illustrates this perfectly. People believed that once a year an angel came down to stir the waters in the Pool of Bethesda, and the first person to touch the stirred water was healed. A paralyzed man had been there for thirty-eight years trying to get into the pool. Jesus came to help him, but interestingly, he didn't heal the man right away. Instead, he first asked him if he wanted to be healed...and instead of just saying yes, the guy whined and felt sorry for himself because nobody would put him in the pool. I see a version of this when I ask people if they want to lose the weight. Many tell me, "Yes, BUT..." and rattle off excuses about why they can't, kinda like the paralyzed man at the Pool of Bethesda did. Until that man was willing to quit focusing on his excuses, he couldn't be helped, and it's the same for us. If we want our excuses more than our results, we won't get our results.