Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




When sharing the Code Red Lifestyle™, people don’t believe what they hear, they believe what they see. That’s how people decide if something is going to work or not. They look for proof, aka "the fruit" of what it produces. Actual fruit doesn’t just pop up on its own. It's produced on a vine or tree. This is why I've posted a before and after picture of a Rebel who's lost weight every single day for the past eight years, plus stories that go along with them. It's to show people "the fruit" that Code Red produces when you live the lifestyle consistently and correctly. A lot of people who start living the Code Red Lifestyle™ want to inspire their friends and family to join. One of THE best ways to do that is by actually living the lifestyle and letting your results do the talking. An example: Say your mailman sees you at the mailbox, notices you’ve lost weight, and asks what’s going on. "Oh, I’m doing Code Red. It’s real food water, and sleep. No shakes, pills, diet foods, or exercise," you reply. That mailman,