Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle




There's no shortage of ways to lose weight. You can lose weight with the lemon and cayenne pepper diet, the cabbage soup diet, or with Noom, Weight Watchers, Atkins, Ozempic, gastric surgery, and a million more. Losing weight isn't the hard part. It's keeping it off that most people struggle with, which is why I say we don’t have a weight loss problem in this country, we have a weight regain problem. Back in January, I did a workshop called Throwing It All Away, where I talked about my biggest battle ever with weight regain. It happened for one simple reason: I stopped doing what was working. The REASONS I stopped are relatable, but for this conversation, they're beside the point. The point is that when you stop doing what's working, you lose the result. If you stop showering, you stop staying clean. If you stop putting fuel in your car, it stops running. And if you stop doing what worked to get your weight off, you gain it back. That's why gimmicks like Ozempic, and drastic measures like gastric surgery, are