Where Did The Road Go?

A Strange Little Place Part 2 - May 11, 2024



Seriah is re-joined by Brennan Storr, researcher, podcaster, and author of “A Strange Little Place: The Hauntings & Unexplained Events of One Small Town”, a collection of very weird stories involving Revelstoke Canada. Topics include an encounter in a haunted house, Seriah’s fortunate experience with a cliff in the dark, Brennan’s experience near the Best Friends’ Animal Shelter by the Grand Canyon, skinwalker sightings and a bizarrely malfunctioning vehicle, ghostly pets, the Revelstoke graveyard and homes next door, an encounter in Waikiki Hawaii at night, the instinct to leave a location suddenly, a strange encounter alone in a house, an interaction with an unknown force, shadow people, individuals influenced emotionally by unknown entities, weird experiences with green lights, an x-ray technician and a light and a mysterious woman, a bizarrely self-starting record player, Harry Potter fiction, a weird collective dream, Mafia-related murder, the Hell’s Angels MC, a youthful police experience, undergrou