Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real



So many people are living life controlled by fear. The days turn into years and pretty soon, you find you have wasted your life because you were too afraid to step out. I want you to start living a BRAVER life! Do it AFRAID if you must. Often a time, fear is bigger in our minds that it is in actual life. Once we overcome our fears, we wonder why we were even afraid in the first place. What this fear does to us is that it not only robs us our opportunities but also messes our self-confidence. You’ve probably heard of the phrase ‘paralyzed by fear’ This is when we let fear control our mind to the point that we can’t do anything. Whenever you catch yourself wondering what will happen if you fail, turn it around and ask, what if I don’t.   Once you decide to face your fears, you’ll realize that you have way more control than you knew. Whatever the situation you are in, just know you can turn it around. It is not as scary as you might be tempted to think. The amazing thing about facing your fears is that it grows