Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Goals Don't STOP On The Weekends!



You wonder why you can't lose weight when you're eating clean Monday through Friday and then going OFF THE RAILS on Saturday and Sunday! That's not how this works. Goals don't stop on the weekends. If you're serious about your weight loss and health, you commit to a healthy lifestyle ALL 7 DAYS OF THE WEEK. Often a time, we see people commit halfway to a healthy lifestyle. For some days, they are committed to eating real food, water, and sleep and exercising but fall off the rails during the weekend or during a vacation, or during some other time. That's now how living a healthy lifestyle works; you need to remain fully committed all the time. Your health goals don't change based on how you feel. Lifestyle diseases don't take a break during the weekends. People try to justify this by saying it's just a cheat meal once in a while or during the weekend. The problem with this mentality is that once you get used to it, it becomes easier and easier to keep cheating on your health plan. This mentality compounds its