Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Being Faithful With LITTLE



So many people dream of big things: Running a big company! Having millions of dollars! Owning a Lamborghini! And I'm all for having big dreams (I have them myself), But you won't even take care of the beat up car you own now. You won't even treat your 2 employees with respect, so how are you supposed to have 100 employees? If you aren't faithful with little, why should you be trusted with MUCH? The bible in the book of Luke says He who is faithful in the little will also be faithful in much. Those people that can take care of the little they have, end up getting more and more because they have proven they can handle it. It may not seem like much, but the small stuff really matters. Things like making your bed in the morning, being clean and organized, treating everybody with kindness. We should be responsible in the small things and teach our children to be as well. It all starts with the little; nobody just jumps in and becomes famous and a big celebrity. You must be faithful with the little you have and gro