Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Parking At The POINT Of Your PAIN



At what point does your past STOP defining you? If you park at the point of your pain and never move past it, you'll never show up for your true self and help others. When you park at the point of our pain and don't get past it, you hinder the light inside you from showing. You don't show up and end up robbing yourself and your loved ones of your light, your joy, and all the good that you bring to the world. The world needs you to show up, but you can't show up while you are parking at the point of your pain. No matter what happened to you, and we are cognizant of the fact that many traumatic things happen to people who never asked for them or ever deserved them, but we can't allow them to define us. Cari and I have had bad things happen to us, but we didn't park there. We didn't allow these experiences to define us. Remember, nobody can steal your joy. Don't let what happened to you be an excuse for not reaching your goals. Are you struggling to let go of the past and are still parking at the point of your p