Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Don't STOP After Reaching Your GOAL



It sounds silly, but a lot of people STOP once they reach their goal. You can't stop, and you can't go back to the old ways that got you into this mess, to begin with. But you can pivot, shift and move into a new phase. We have noticed that many people stop doing what they did to reach their goal, they just stop and become lazy. We don't want you to do this, we want you to reach your goal and stay there. What you did to reach your goal, you got to keep doing it. Pivoting to your new phase once you reach your goal requires a change of plan and a shift in mindset, but you have to stay committed every day for the rest of your life. You ain't never going back to your old ways. At Code Red, we are playing the long game. Hitting your weight loss goal is just one piece of the puzzle. Once you get there, we shift and pivot into the maintenance program because we believe that America doesn't have a weight loss problem, but a weight regain problem. Listen in and learn more about pivoting to your new phase once you reac