Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

How To Become More Insulin Sensitive



Even if you're not diabetic or pre-diabetic, we all need to understand insulin and the role it plays in our body. Here are some very simple, natural things you can do to help your body in this area. Being insulin sensitive means that you need just a tiny amount of this very important hormone for it to do its job. It's crucial that we all strive to be more insulin sensitive, whether diabetic, pre-diabetic, or not. And if you think that today's topic doesn't apply to you, think again. Two-thirds of Americans, that's about 200 million, are pre-diabetic. At Code Red, we believe in eating like we are all diabetic. We shouldn't wait till our fasting blood glucose and our A1C is too high to look at what we are eating. We believe that everybody should be working towards becoming more insulin sensitive. Two of the five markers of metabolic health are related to our insulin levels. This explains how important this hormone is to our overall health and why we should be paying extra attention to it. Listen in to today's p