Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Hitting Hard Ground Vs. Hitting CONCRETE!



Hitting the hard ground hurts. You're gonna be bruised, broken, and busted up. But hitting concrete is a career-ender, a deal-breaker, and you'll probably die. So many people think that the mistakes they make are career-enders (like hitting concrete). But I encourage you to reconsider; get up, dust yourself off and go again instead of giving up. What has happened to you is not a deal-breaker, it’s all the way you choose to look at it. So many people think they've hit concrete if they gain their weight back. They think they will never come back from it. There's nothing in weight loss or in Code Red that is a deal-breaker. It might be embarrassing, but spending the rest of your life overweight just because you are embarrassed doesn't make any sense. You can come back from it if you just took the next small step forward. Whatever happened is in the past. All you need to is identify what went wrong, learn from your mistakes, and move forward in a different direction. Is there anything in your life you think you c