Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

The Species-Specific Diet



Humans are the only species on the earth that don't eat a species-specific diet. We have been eating the proper human diet for 5-6 million years until recently. But now we eat processed food from factories. Hear my experience of transitioning my dog to a species-specific diet and how that made me really consider how the "American standard diet" is killing us. Here at Code Red, we believe the human species was designed to eat an animal-based diet. That's why you hear me talk of the proper human diet all the time. We were not meant to eat all these processed foods that make up the American diet. It makes so much sense to stick as much as possible to what our ancestors ate. If you are trying to lose weight, you'll get much better results faster by eating what our species was meant to eat. Even better results than working out. Remember the last episode we talked about fat athletes. It doesn't matter how much you work out; if your diet is crap, you will be unhealthy. Click Play to learn what the proper human diet