Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Is It Okay To Be FAT If You're FIT?



Are you throwing up a 195 overhead jerk but asking for the seatbelt extender on the plane? I've been saying this for years, but finally, a new study was released to back me up on if it is okay to be fat as long as you're fit. One cannot be fat but healthy. This is according to new research by the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. The negative effects of excess body fat on heart health cannot be mitigated by leading an active lifestyle. The idea that people who are fat and fit are healthy is simply a myth that has been busted by this new study. We have known this at Code Red all along, and I have said numerous times that exercise doesn't have anything to do with fat loss. Exercise has a ton of benefits, but weight loss isn't one of them. The number one biggest lie in weight loss is that you can exercise your weight off. It doesn't matter how much you bench press, run, or ride a bike. It doesn't matter how fit you are; if you are overweight, you need to lose that fat. And the answer lies in real food,