Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Can You Cheat On CODE RED?



I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked me this. Can you cheat on Code Red? Because all the other weight loss programs let you cheat! So what's the big deal, right? Well, the reasons might shock you! Even though all other programs allow cheat meals or cheat foods, Code Red doesn't do this. We don't believe in cheat meals because it is not worth it. People never make any progress with this type of mindset and behavior. The stakes are too high to have a cheat meal or, God forbid, a cheat day. We are dealing with people who are metabolically sick, people with type 2 diabetes, people who have failed on all other weight loss programs, or are just on the verge of a life-altering disease. This is about our health, we can't afford to not be serious about it by having cheat foods and cheat meals attitude. The major problem with cheat foods and the weight loss programs that have them is that they don't address the sugar addiction crisis that we have as a people. The heart of the problem with weight is sugar