Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Instagram Q & A



It's time for an AMA (ask me anything) where Instagram fans and followers sent in a dozen questions, and you get raw, real, honest, unrehearsed response from me! I love these, so I hope you love them, too. Every once in a while, we do one of these Q&As and give our listeners and fans the opportunity to ask me any question they have about anything. So, thank you to all those who sent in their questions. The questions are quite interesting, as you'd expect from Rebels and also from other people keen on the Code Red community. The topics range from my mohawk to my dream vacation, carnivore and vegan lifestyles, goal setting and staying motivated, and much more. It's always fun to get these questions and answer them, so I hope you learn something about the Code Red Lifestyle from them and my candid answers. Listen in and enjoy! Key Takeaways Will Cristy change her mohawk from blue to bright green? (01:56) How many electrolytes should one drink per day? (04:36) Can Code Red be adjusted for an athlete in maint