Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

The Power of Community



Studies, data and research have indicated that COMMUNITY is the biggest determining factor whether someone loses their weight and keeps it off. But why is it so powerful? We surveyed the group and the info we got back was crazy.  Do you know why people joined the custom program group and challenges? They do it because they really want the COMMUNITY. As an entrepreneur, this is what you want for your, for your movement, for your message, you want people meeting outside of you. You don't want to have to be there in order for people to meet. And what we noticed over the last five years, just pockets of people were popping up all over the country. People that were getting together to go out to coffee together. People getting together to go walking, people just getting together for whatever reason and supporting each other in person, of course, before COVID, this was so much easier.  They do this because we as humans need a COMMUNITY. And now we're starting to get back to that at the time of this recording may of