Elsie's Yoga Class L Inspiration L Alignment L Connection

Ep. 30: 80 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class at Bala Yoga- Cast Light Inside



Hanging out with my niece this weekend! Such a blast, she can certainly cast light! write me a review in itunes! my Flickr yoga poses The Sequence: Downward Facing Dog Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 2 1/2 Sun Salutes x 3 Straight Legged Lunge/Down Dog/Straight Legged Lunge Plank/Cobra Surya Namaskar x 2 Wrist Stretch on hands and knees Downward Facing dog wrist stretch Parvakonasana Crescent Pose (with side stretch) Utkatasana Twist Parsvakonasana with arms interlaced behind the back into Deep Lunge with shoulder behind the calf Utkatasana (upper back more arched) Parsvotanasana (slight variation) Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana Uttanasana Demo Pincha Mayurasana with Susan Pincha Mayurasana Demo Pincha Mayurasana Palms up with Huck Pincha Mayurasana with palms up Demo Pincha Mayurasana hands flat against the wall with Huck Pincha Mayurasana with palms flat against the wall Squat on tippy toes, legs together into a twist Parsva Bakasana Pigeon Prep Pigeon Prep with